Questions to the vets...

I’ve officially started to LD again- I have brought up a dream diary.

But I had some questions for the vets-

A. I am by no means a natural dreamer. My dreams suck- even normal ones. They’re short, and stupid, and pointless. Is it possible that I can EVENTUALLY gain the ability to LD at will (or at least nightly if not at will)?

B. Can you actually do ANYTHING you want in an LD? Because, some things seem impossible in LD’s. Liiiike… umm…

C. Can I improve the length of my LD’s over time?

D. How “real” can it be? Mine were always so fake before…

E. What happens if you kill a dream character in an LD?
(I ask this one cuz one thing I wanna do is have a swordfight with an enemy…)

F. What are your best suggestions?

Contrary to my previous attempts, I am sticking to the right path now. Patience, diligence, and hope as opposed to quick fixes and frustration. Ya’know?

Thanks a whole lot guys. ^,^

a) With lots of practice… you may be able too.

b) Yes, anything. That doubt you have? Get rid of it. It’ll prevent you from doing those things. Don’t think ‘can i do this?’ or ‘how do i do this?’. Just do it, without any doubt (there is no wrong way of doing it, after all).

c) Yes. Also, try the tech I always post up… it usually doubles my LD’s

d) As real as real life. Once again, that tech I post up… works extremely well for this. Try it and be amazed.

e) Nothing will happen. LD’s are consiquence free enviroments. Plenty of people have killed DC’s.

f) My tech :tongue:.

Thank you. I should clerify though- what happens in a DREAM if you kill a dream character? Cuz on the lucidity institute, they say showing belligerence to a dream character can go bad…

Also, what IS YOUR TECH!? I can’t find it. At least give me a link please.

The sort of things I mean that are not possible are like…
can I make a lightswitch work? Can I make a mirror a mirror and nothing more?

Also, what happens when you step through the mirror? I never tried when I was first lucid (a few years ago) because I had been playing “Devil May Cry” and was afraid of mirror me jumping out of the mirror and trying to kill me, or going to an alternate mirror land where everything looks crazy and tries to kill me.

That’s good to hear, and I’m sure you can achieve your goal if you really set your mind to it. As far as answering your questions, though, I think the best way to understand LDing better, and to compile information from other peoples’ experiences, is to do some old-fashioned research right here at the forum. There are plenty of places here that discuss in great detail what it is you’d like to know. You can find out all you can do with lucid dreaming, the different techniques and what is most popular or seems to have the higher success rate, read peoples’ journals that outline their LDs and what they did or did not do in them, etc. It does seem easier to start a new thread like this and hope that you’ll get all your questions answered, but you’ll find a heap more information if you just spend some time scouring the different parts of the forum and pick up information as you go along.

Perhaps you should do a narrowed search so you aren’t bogged down with the vast number of threads. If your questions were more abstract or out of the ordinary, it’d probably be a good idea continuing with a specific thread containing those questions. But because your questions are very broad and somewhat simple, like “How real can it be?”, it would be most beneficial to get these answers by reading up on old (or new) posts on the forum.

You also have to keep in mind that some of your questions cannot really be answered by anybody. What happens when you kill a dream character? How should I know; I’m not you. My point is that peoples’ dreams differ greatly from everybody else’s. There’s no “one” outcome for killing a DC. It really depends on you, and a list of countless other variables that determine what will or won’t happen in a dream. The best I can say is that, in some cases, what you believe will happen is what will happen. This is not fool-proof, and it definitely does not happen every time, but it occurs enough to be considered.

I hope you get the answers to the questions you’re looking for. Remember to keep an open mind when delving into the world of lucid dreaming, and keep a positive attitude despite whatever setbacks you may face. And again, I can’t stress enough how important research is when it comes to understanding dreams. You can learn so much on this forum, so why not start searching?

Good luck.

A) Yeah, determination, expectation, and knowledge that it will happen.
B) Yeah, everything I’ve tried works. Its all in your mind.
C) Yeah. When I first started out they only lasted a few minutes, but now they seem to last days to weeks to years.
D) You dont have restricted senses in a dream. Your eyesight is better then 20/20. It’s more real then real life.
E) I havent had anything negative happen, some people say they’re part of your subconcious but I dont really think so.
F) Stick with it :smile:

Thanks all. Sno_isulli- I appreciate that. I have heard answers to these questions before on this forum, but most of them are very vague. So I decided to ask specifically. ^,^ see?

Thanks again all. I got SOOOOOOOOOO close this morning, I couldn’t believe it. I haven’t even been at it for a week! And it was much longer too.

I actually got to do 2 rcs. But this brings up a new question-

I did my watch rc… is it bad that I check my watch rapidly, up to ten times in a row? Cuz the difference in time was so minor, I wasn’t sure I was dreaming. So…
Just wondering. ^,^