
Last night I just had the greatest Lucid Dream and longest one of my life, It was super clear, i had pretty much full control of myself, and I used a couple powers. But I experienced very weird things in the LD, and I wanted to ask about them.

  1. In the LD I tried to fly without wings, I jumped and I floated for awhile and when I was coming down I got sick, I felt like i had Car sick. It went away after a minute when I landed, so I didn’t try to fly. Is it normal to get sick while trying to fly? I will try to fight that sick feeling when I try to fly my next LD.

  2. Towards the end of my LD i felt like i had to goto the bathroom (in the LD), lol, but I didn’t go becuase I was afraid I had to go IRL, but i also wondered if it was just a feeling like the sick feeling i got, but I still didn’t go, when I woke from the LD i had to goto the bathroom. I am glad i didn’t goto the bathroom in the LD, but is it possible to get the feeling where you have to goto the bathroom in your LD without having to go IRL?

  3. This question is offtopic from the LD but, I recorded on my MP3 player me saying “I am in a Dream.” The plan is to fall asleep to that and hear it in my dreams, how well will this work? Will it work or not? Is it more of a chance for me to LD? Did I say the right thing in it?

Thanks, please answer those questions.


1)I have never gotten sick from trying to fly.It could just be in your head or maybe it happens to some people.I dont have much info on this question
2)I usually only get the bathroom feeling (while lding) when i need to go IRL.i dont think you would get a feeling like that if you didnt need to go.
3)Ive never used an mp3 to help induce a ld,Although i think that you would be able to hear it while you are dreaming thus resulting in a ld.I think it will increase your chance to ld aswell.

Thanks for those answers. They were helpful. I will do the MP3 player thing tonight. Anyone else answer with your experiences.

I aslo heard that there are subliminal programs to make you lucid dream.Just download them type in a message and it will popup on screen VERY fast.You wont be able to see it but sub-concious might catch it.Dont know if this works maybe we can get some comments from people who have tried this?

I used one for awhile. And it didn’t really help me at all. But maybe that was just me.

I hope your fly sickness was just some random weird thing because, flying is great.

Yeah, If you need to urinate in the dream. If it’s not a real need, then it’s unnecessary. So. better be safe.

I tried having mp3s playing while I sleep. The few times I heard it I didn’t understand that it was in my earphones, I thought it was in someone elses earphones, Why I could hear it I didn’t think about. I had much more success with guided meditations and such things.

yougamer, one of the problems with dreaming is that anything can happen that you belive can happen. :tongue:
I think that the sickness was just something that you expected to happen. Do you get car sick, or sick when you fly IRL ( that is in an airplane ) You might try flying in a hot air ballon, you don’t get sick in one of thoese. :cool:
With the need to go in a dream, I would also say that it comes from RL, but don’t let it get to be an expectation or fear, because that could cause it too. :neutral:
To your third question, for some people, using a MP3 with a voice saying that “you are dreaming” or something like that can help a lot with LD’s. For other people it doesn’t work. You just have to try it, and see if it works for you. If it does work for you, then most people say that your own voice is the best, and putting your name in the text helps also. There are topics about that on the fourm. If you search you can find them.

As to subliminal messages, that is a big topic. Just some info. different people can “see” the messages at different speeds, so what is subliminal for one person is easaly readable for another, and a third doesn’t see anything. :bored: That means that you would have to try different speeds out to find out what works for you. Then different people react differently to subliminal messages. Some don’t react. Again you would have to try it out to see how it works with you.

Like most of have said here, the sick experience is just what your mind thinks flying might be like. Don proposed some good questions on whether or not your car sick etc… also it could have to do with being afraid of heights. But all in all, its in your mind, some people might get that feeling (I personally don’t) others may not, but remember lucid dreaming can help solve problems, so trying to fly could be the answer to solving this sickness you feel when you do it.

The bathroom thing, I dont think i have experienced anything like that, but it seems logical…your mind is totally aware of everything so it could sense that you MAY have to go to the bathroom.

Using an MP3 does work, I have done it unintentionally, I’d fall asleep listening to something, and hear it in my dream which would make me recognize im lucid dreaming. Look into stuff like Hemi-Sync, or BWG, those used to be popular lucid dream inducers.

Thanks everyone, all of that was real helpful. I do get carsick (like when i am going around alot of curves, or if i read in the car), and I have never flown in a airplane before. I also have a horrible fear of hights. I remember when I jumped in the LD when I was trying to fly i freaked out becuase i didnt have any wings (i forgot to give me them) and I remember I was falling and i was afraid i was going to hurt/wake up, but i more floated down and while i was floating down i got sick.

And when i have to urinate in a dream I am not going to do it. My next LD I am going to try to fly again but this time I am going to either try not to think of getting sick, or if i get sick im going to fight it, and keep trying to fly until i get used to it.

I still havent tried the MP3 player thing but Im going to tonight.

Also do you sleepwalk while in LDs? Becuase I am afraid of sleepwalking while LDing, and do you talk in your sleep if you don’t want to/dont know you are?

Thanks for all your answers and replys.

hm,Sleepwalking is pretty rare, for me atleast it only happens when SP doesnt work (i think).And some people talk in their dreams, I dont talk in my dreams.Try asking your parents or brothers/sisters if they have ever heard you talking in a dream.

I never sleepwalk with normal dreams anyways so i doubt i would in a LD, and talking in mysleep, no one told ive done that, the only time i did it is when I did it on purpose in my LD, lol.

I did that for about a week. It didn’t have any effect at all. Not to say it always won’t, but from what I could discern, no effect.

For the sick feeling its probably because you might have a fear of heights. Thats my thought. We talked about this a few days ago didnt we yougamer?lol :wink:

no, i dont think so

Ofcourse we did silly.

When? I can’t remember

maybe it was in a dream ! dum dum dumm
or deja vu ? o.0

I remember telling him about it but i just cant remember talking about it.

I remember fine. Maybe you need to see a doctor.JK. :smile:

maybe you need to stop LDing about this stuff, lol, jk