Quick Lucid Dreaming?

Is there any way I can have a stable lucid dream within the next week? I have my media exam in a week and a bit, and we have to come up with all these things for a crime drama of our own. I really can’t think of any sort of plot! :help: So it would really help if I could get some inspiration from a lucid dream. Is there any way I can get a lucid dream quickly? - Leah :smile:

There’s no guaranteed way to be able to get a lucid dream immediately. Different people need different amounts of effort to get one to happen. I know dreamers who have done it on first try, others who have taken over a year. The most stable LD’s come from things like DILD, RCILD and MILD, but these can take a bit of mind training getting your awareness up.

Starting out and wanting something quick, I might try DEILD but even that can take a few tries. Basically, try to program your mind to wake up at a certain time. Tell yourself you will wake up at that time (4-6 hours after you’re going to bed is good). Imagine yourself doing it and then imagine yourself not moving. That’s the trick, do not move at all. Then you can try to will yourself into the previous dream or relax and let a new scenario form. But above all, do not let yourself forget that you are dreaming.

Other than that, if you’re looking for inspiration I’d also keep an eye on your normal dreams. You can get just as much from them as you would an LD :content:

Rhewin’s last point is a good one. Try to incubate a dream where you get the idea for a crime plot.