Quick Questions....

I’m sure this has been asked before… But when you try to WILD or get a lucid dream in general do you keep your eyes open or closed? Also, how do you guys sleep? On your back, side, or stomach? One more question… Is doing a WILD and MILD good? Since MILD works after you wake up from a dream, can I try WILD as I am falling asleep? I would have searched but I have to leave soon and I need an answer quickly. Thanks for anyone who answers. Also, I had some LDs before but that was a year ago and my methods were impractical.


Yes you close your eyes as you are sleeping, I useually try WILD on my back but when i just want to sleep i lay on my side,and both methods, WILD and MILD are good methods for different people and bad ones for some. Congrats on your LD a year ago.
Hope i helped.