I have a quick question. Are the vibrations you get bad? What does it feel like?
And one more, what about sleep paralysis? Is it scary even if you know what it is?
I need these answered so I won’t be scared to encounter them, thanks!
I have a quick question. Are the vibrations you get bad? What does it feel like?
And one more, what about sleep paralysis? Is it scary even if you know what it is?
I need these answered so I won’t be scared to encounter them, thanks!
The vibrations you get are not bad for you. They feel like thousands of volts surging through your body and are painless. They kinda feel weird and pleasant to me at the same time. Its like a pressure of some sort also for me. I have never experienced sleep paralysis first-hand and it might seem scary the first time, but I guess you’d get over it.
The vibrations during crossover are harmless…though, they can be somewhat bothersome at times when they last long and are accompanied by those annoying “crunching” sounds… as far as sleep paralysis, I’ve experienced that many times - the very first time is only scary if you’re not educated as to what it is (like in my first case, years ago - scared the sh*t outta me because I didn’t know what it was) - if you know that it can happen, that it’s harmless, and expect that you really won’t be able to move ANYTHING but your eyelids for a very short while - then I don’t see why it would scare you.
I think that’s the whole key: just knowing exactly what sleep paralysis is, and how it affects you… then you won’t be scared when you experience it.
I l,ove what you ppl call vibrations…i call it for myself just chi flow!
And sp I love to because its great 4 suggestions…it is a trance level…
Oh and understand that sp has several levels…
Ok, bye
Jeff, I think a lot of terms are quite narrow-minded
All right, thanks guys! Now I don’t have to be so scared of these things anymore. One more thing, I heard that once your in sleep paralysis, it’s really easy to have an LD or OBE. Is this true from your personal experiences?
True pilot very true…
Tride15…ehm that depends at what level of sp you are and if u know how to use a tech like for instance the spinning tech to get into a ld or dream.
You got three sp levels…low medium and high. So it aint that black or white
I didn’t know there was a spinning technique for SP. Is it the same spinning tech used to stay in a lucid dream?