does anyone have sporadic and random lucid dreams? i have those allll the time, i want to be able to control and use techniques for my LDs. none of the techniques work, is anyone else like this?
Moved from Quest.
does anyone have sporadic and random lucid dreams? i have those allll the time, i want to be able to control and use techniques for my LDs. none of the techniques work, is anyone else like this?
Moved from Quest.
Kind of, actually. I have more LDs when I’m actually trying harder: when I’m trying WILD every night, for example. But I had a LD last night, spontaneously, and I’m not concentrating very much this last month.
What I mean is I have had my share of random/spontaneous LDs, but I don’t really have much advice concerning them. Maybe ‘keep up the practice’ in order to increase the frequency of those
Let me know if you find anything useful about this!
No, never The ones I know were all induced by a technique (MILD, WILD, WBTB). But then again I have poor dream recall, so it’s hard to tell if I’ve had one but don’t remember
I’ve had an hour long LD (which was actually 3 lucid dreams in a row with false awakenings in between) with only the intention of remember details of my dream for my DJ.
I remember when I truly woke up from that night. It took me a while to realize what just happened.
YES and i love it when that happens… random LD’S WOOT
Occasionally I have random LDs, but most of the time I induce them with WILD. Also, it seems that the random LDs occur more often depending on how determined I am to have a Lucid Dream.
i wish techniques worked…it would be more special
Perhaps you are using a technique to induce these “Random” LDs and you just don’t know it. Do you do anything related to LDing the day before you have these LDs?
no not really
We get random LD’s all the time.
I mean, some of us. If you try techniques, then they’ll probably work.
I had 2 random LDs, or so it seems to me. Problem is, I was trying so many techniques at once (MILD, WILD, Auto suggestion etc…) I dont know which one worked or if all worked when I had the LDs.
I wasnt smart enough to write down what I had tried in the DJ when I had the dreams. So I guess theres a tip: write down what you had attempted (WILD, MILD?) when you write in your DJ whether ND or LD. It will really help in the end to know what had helped whether vivid NDs to LDs.
Random LDs are ALL I have, and they only seem to happen when my sleep schedule is screwed to hell for whatever reason. None of the techniques do anything for me because I simply cannot fall into the hypnogogic state while mentally focusing on something (I’m unhypnotizable for the same reason).
I want to break this barrier so badly, but nothing so far has worked. I’ve tried it while physically fatigued, sleep deprived, drunk, etc. No matter what state I’m in, the act of focusing on anything at all makes it impossible for me to fall asleep, or even to enter the state before sleep. On nights where I can’t stop thinking about something, I’ll literally be kept awake the whole night even if I’m exhausted. There has to be a way out of this…
Have you tried setting an alarm for 5 to 5.5 hours after you fall asleep? You will generally be able to fall asleep again much faster in this state. If not, then do something other than WILD. MILD and autosuggestion would probably work great. You don’t have to keep repeating a mantra until you fall asleep, just until you feel your SC has gotten the point. It’s all about having the intention, and if that is there you can LD, even if you can’t focus while falling asleep. Best of luck
I haven’t tried anything with my alarm, but I do occasionally wake up in the middle of night, so I know what you’re talking about. It is easier to fall asleep after that, but I’ve tried WILD at that point and even still, I get the same problem.
I haven’t messed with MILD very much because I always doubted that it would work, and I got stuck in a loop I can’t find a way out of. Since it thrives on intention, the more I doubt it will work, the more I will fail, but the more times I fail, the more I doubt it will eventually work. Vicious cycles suck.
EDIT: Crap, I’m in danger of hijacking the thread now. Moving on…