ranks brainstorm

0-9 posts : “Sleepwalker”
10-49 posts : “Novice Dreamer”
50-99 posts : “Lucid Initiate”
100-249 posts : “Somniologist”
250-499 posts : “Oneironaut”
500-999 posts : “Twilight Companion”
1000-2499 posts : “Knight of the Ethereal Gates”
2500-4999 posts : “Lord of the Lila Veil”
5000-9999 posts : “Multiplanar Hierophant”
10000 + : “Ancient of the Planes”

I’ve a lot of other stupid ideas, like Hypnopope, Astral Titan, Oniromagus, etc…

maybe if people over 1000 want to, they can pm a mod and ask for a custom title, if not, they can keep whatever is assigned to them.

i don’t mind dream deity, particularly.

basilus west i like them!
oniromagus lol :happy:
keep them coming!

i do search for titles that can be male and female, so things like lord are difficult.

thanks again everybody for great inspriring suggestions!

if your mind is tickled dont hesitate to post some titles :smile:

holy realty and jack if the custom title thing is installed it will be activated by a certain postcount. you can then chose to change it or leave it as it is :content:

so until 1000 or 2000 (still have decide the number) you will have the normal stars title thing, and then after that you keep the maximum stars and you will be able to change your title.

I don;t think that many of us will have to worry about what our custom names are going to be, I mean we have a lot of posting to do.

Oh also I was thinking like maybe one gold star = like 5 silver stars, or maybe you should go with like red green and blue, and then have like a giant rainbow star with a happy face once you gat to 10,000… and so on.

Again though I don’t think we will have to worry about that for a long long time.

Oh yeah, and when is the new skin gunna be in working process?

can’t say, but it will be great :happy: it won’t be just a skin for the forum but a revamp of the whole site (that takes the most work).

the forum will be revamped to match the new look - still work in progress!

:peek: this was another ‘keeping the suspense high’ message :grin:

Lord could be replaced by master or ruler.

Omniscent dreamer would also be a nice one!

I’ve had an idea. Maybe every 100 posts you can give somebody a star, or a piece of a star, for a particularly insightful, informative and interesting post? 100 posts because I don’t think it would be good if newbies gave stars to the first person who replied to their thread (for example) + it makes people with 100+ posts feel special? You would also need a strict rule that people can never ever explicitly ask for stars. You are expected to earn stars by writing good posts in general, or one very good post.

Also, nobody can give two stars to any person. If I gave milod789 a star at my 500 post count, I can never give him/her? (I always forget!) another star.

Any good? :smile:

I don’t think it matters if anybody loses their stars. When the rankings change, the meaning of however many stars changes.

I don’t like the idea of being branded by anybody and having that permanentely appear under my name to everybody. I don’t care if the title has no connotations of being clever, stupid, scientific, spiritual or anything at all. I don’t want it.

I would imagine something like that would be voluntary. If you did not like or want the title I would imagine you could turn it down. I can’t see Q forcing a custom title’s on anyone.

Ooh! Make it 1000! I’m much closer to 1000 then 2000 lol. Yeah, my thoughts are 500 shouldn’t be the last rank seeing how many people there are. Hmm If you wanna keep the “Deity” thing going you come accomidate for diffrent religons Christain: 500: Jesus, 1000: God. Islam: Muhhamad and God, Buddhism: MiniBuddha and Buddha Atheist: Nothing, Bigger Nothing… etc. :razz:

And that’d be great to choose your rank, because if you wanted you could change it daily to be funny, or show your mood or whatever! Also like names suggested by other people. Damn we’re a creative bunch, huh? :content:

Yeah I’m sure you could request one if wanted too, and even if not I’m 99.9% positive Q isn’t an evil dictator who will make fun of you or anything. (Theres still a .1% chance she’s the next Hitler…sry if I offended any of our Neo-Nazi memebers…lol) If you really had a problem with your name a mod or Q would take care of it for you.

ok this is confusing.

the plan is to have a custom title after 1000 posts - that title you can chose yourself or you just leave the dream deity title.

i won’t have anything to do with it, i just install the custom title MOD and that will allow you to change your title yourself after you have reached 1000 posts.

the rest will be like normal - a ‘ld4all’ title after a specific post mark.

hope that has cleared things up :smile:

Ofcourse on request i can put a specific title that is not removable :tongue:

Lol, K. Now I just gotta get 100something posts… Ahh, why’d I have to leave! Bangs head against wall I’d be up to like 1500 by now at least! Lol… Well I guess I’ve learned my lesson :smile: