Couldn’t find a clear answer to these by searching the web or the forum here.
Is REM what is happening right before you enter a dream? If so, then I’m not too far away from achieving LD.
…But, here’s the problem. Whenever REM accurs it always ruins my LD/WILD attempts. Maybe I focus to much on it. Any tips?
Moved from Helpdesk.
This thread is so hilarious in many degree.
You always have REM when you dream, no exceptions.
REM happens about 1 hour after you’re asleep.
You can never observe it happening to yourself, because of point 2.
You’re probably hallucinating.
more clearly, REM - Rapid Eye Movement is when your eyes move IRL accordingly to how your dream-eyes move in your dreams. aka REM = DREAMING
Ok, to make it more clear: WhenI try to WILD… after a while my eyes start to move “rapidly” and it ruins my WILD attempt.
Maybe that’s not what a “REM” is, but that’s what I guessed it was.
Couldn’t find a clear answer to these by searching the web or the forum here.
Is REM what is happening right before you enter a dream? If so, then I’m not too far away from achieving LD.
…But, here’s the problem. Whenever REM accurs it always ruins my LD/WILD attempts. Maybe I focus to much on it. Any tips?
If you stare at one object too long it wakes you up because it interrupts the Rapid Eye Movement
yes, you’ve misunderstood.
but if i understand you correctly your eyes annoy you while attempting to WILD and making you lose focus?
yes, you’ve misunderstood.
but if i understand you correctly your eyes annoy you while attempting to WILD?
when I try to WILD I keep my eyes still and it’s no problem, but when I’m getting close they start opening and closing fast.
okey, i think i kinda have the same problem.
someone here on LD4All claimed he blinked rapidly for a few minutes before attempting to wild as to tire the eyelids out and prevent them from opening (as easily anyway).
don’t know if it works though.
okey, i think i kinda have the same problem.
someone here on LD4All used to blink rapidly for a few minutes before attempting to wild as to tire the eyelids out and prevent them from opening (as easily anyway).
don’t know if it work though.
I’ll try that out thanks for tip.
No problem!
And if it works, i’d very much like to know!