RC idea

Make a wallpaper that says in big letters, “AM I DREAMING?” This way every time you see your desktop you will remember to do some RCs.

Nice. But what are the odds you’ll log into your computer in a dream? But of course I’m gonna do that.

Well, if you went on the computer for a while right before you went to sleep it could work :grin: I’ll have to try that…


very good idea! I often use my computer in my dreams :smile:

Well if you do some RCs everytime you see your computer IRL the more likely you would do a RC in your dreams, so it could have nothing to do with dreaming about being on your computer.

yarrr I hope RF doesn’t mind that I erased the title to her “Hypnogogic Hallucinations” wallpaper and put in its place a very clear “Am I Dreaming?” So far I’ve done, what 20 RCs today?! Thats gotta be a personal best! (Previously my record was 3… heh heh…)

Not a bad idea, but I kinda like my existing wallpaper. :wink:

Instead, I’m trying something else. I made some folders in random places on my drive (including on the desktop) labeled “Am I dreaming?”. Since I do a lot of navigating through my folders, I see these quite often. As Bullet-Proof said, the RCs themselves will help regardless of whether you actually dream about the wallpaper that reminded you.

I’ll have to give it a shot.

I used to like going through my folders often, but nowadays I say, “God, look at all this useless crap I have cluttering this PC up. TIME TO REFORMAT!!”

I must say, this idea is working very well for me.


Why the wink? :wink:

I don’t know, I guess I use those things like puctuation. :content:

Or, if you don’t buy that, it’s because my existing wallpaper… erm… appeals to me too much to give up.

why not put “Am I dreaming?” in text over the wallpaper? (but make sure not to cover up anything… appealing) :content:


I just happen to hear about Atheist’s too-appealing wallpaper. :content: I would agree with Illusion that you can put the text somewhere on the wallpaper and you don’t have to cover… anything that ehm is appealing like Illusion mentioned. :content:

I used to have a wallpaper like that on my desktop, but right now it’s gone. lol! I’m going for theme right now to make my desktop look cool. :content: Maybe I can put small text that says, “Am I dreaming?” on my wallpaper. :shrug:

Good idea by the way! :wiske:

I put Lucid on all my papers in school and notes too. Eventually you’ll coem across them again and do a RC.

Great idea but I too like my wall paper the way it is. Instead I put up a 3D text screen saver that says am i dreaming and set it to come up after five minutes of inactivity. Sence i have to go outside to smoke, hopefully by the time I’m done it will have been five minutes and when I come back to my computer I will see it. But then again I do RC’s every time i have a cigarett. So thats like two for the price of one. Hey, the more the merryer right?

Excellent idea triangulatus!

I now have my 3D screen saver set up to ask “Is This A Dream?” every 3 minutes of inactivity.

infection0 - I don’t mind, change the wallpaper anyway you like.


Great idea Sleepy :wink:
