Hi, I’m new btw, I remember having a lucid dream once when I was very young, I walked around evrywhere and stuff and I knew I was dreaming… only found out what it was last night… anyway, I was wondering what is an RC? you guys talk about doing them every 30 mins or soo
If you put your cursor over the abreviation RC and hold it there a sec, it will tell you its a reality check. It is a way of determining whether your in a dream there are plenty of different ones to try out. You could also read the big reality check thread for some ideas.
Good luck, have fun, and welcome
Like previously mentioned, RC stands for reality check.
If you routinely practice reality checks, you may do them in a dream. For instance, in waking life, a common reality check is turning on a machine or some other electrical device. Now, let’s say you do this for a while, and one day you wind up dreaming about trying to turn on your lamp. Well, you’ll notice that the lamp won’t turn on. This may seem odd, causing you to think “Hey, maybe this is a dream!”
hi Newbi!
Its not a surprise u asked this question. Just wondering tho…have u searched through the forum before asking this question? Its customary for a new person(like u) to look around to see if there are any questions that u can get cleared up. Anyways…just a friendly word of advice…read the “STICKY” parts of the forum…they give really good info on stuff to newbies.
Well good luck with LDing!