I was just wondering, is there any such thing as having to many RCs?
I use the hand and nose, but could I add a few more if I wanted to?
or is having to many bad?
Thanks for the help and stay Lucid.
Magic Letters
I was just wondering, is there any such thing as having to many RCs?
I use the hand and nose, but could I add a few more if I wanted to?
or is having to many bad?
Thanks for the help and stay Lucid.
Magic Letters
I’m still not clear on the RC thing is that for when you are dreaming or when you wake up? And if it is for when you are dreaming then how are you supposed to remember to do it if you can’t even realize you are dreaming? And yeah, how do you pick them and is too many not good?
A RC is what you do while you are awake, I do mine every few minutes.
To name a few:
Look at your hand, turn it over and look at it again count your fingers notice scars or marks that might be on them do this through out the day, then when you go to bed, do it again right before going to sleep. Sometimes I like to Imagine myself doing this in my minds eye until I go to sleep, and then in the dream as soon as I see my hand and see that something is abnormal about it i know i’m dreaming
The other is through out the day pinch your nose and see if you can breathe through it, if so then you are dreaming.
I was just wondering if doing to many might become to confusing
the idea behind reality checks is that if you do them often enough while you are awake and they become a habit, you should find that you begin doing them in you dreams. Our daily habits are carried over into our dreams, and when you do a reality check while dreaming it will give you a result which proves that you are dreaming and make you become lucid.
The more you do RC’s during the day, the more likely it becomes that you will do them while dreaming.
nickspry explained it well - listen to him .
magic letters: I would personally advise you to have about three. RC’s can fail sometimes, so it’s always a good idea to have some back ups.
I don’t believe there is such a thing as too many RC’s.
You can have as many RC’s as you like just do them often.
Personally I do not have a specific RC. During the day I just stop and ask my self, “am I dreaming”? Then I try to consider that everything around me is a dream. I even look for dream signs then I do a RC. Usually I will try to change something or make something move by thought alone. What type of reality check I will do depends on what I am doing at the time.
I think the only danger in doing too many (if you’ve only just started) is if you don’t pay proper attention to what you’re doing. While we are trying to get into the habit of doing reality checks, you don’t want to perform them mindlessly. Whenever I do RC’s I give full attention and awareness, not allowing the action to becoming to habitualised.
Paul Tholey has written that you should do at least 5 to 10 reality checks a day, with a full presence of mind and everything. I like to aim for a minimum of 10, and I guess I usually do 20 or 30, but its still pretty rare that I’ll RC in a dream. I come close all the time, I just keep forgetting to RC when the time comes, like I get distacted and everything
Next time I’m dreaming, I’ll perform a Realty Check