I had a dream where I was playing a blitz ball game, like in FFX. Only the guys controled when the arena turned into water, really wierd. Anyway, I got the hang of doing that and I had a feeling that I was dreaming. So I said to one of them, “Hey I’m dreaming, see look at my hands” I counted my fingers and all ten were there so I figured it had to be real. But the wierd thing was that my hands were glowing with a greenish tint to them.
Sure, most RCs fail from time to time. I have had the counting fingers RC fail on me a couple of times, but both times I was very cohersive and did more RCs until one worked.
Also, the neat thing with the counting fingers technique is that even if you do have ten fingers, there is possibly something wrong with either your fingers or your hands. Heck, last night when I did that RC I had four arms.
yea, a couple of days ago i had a dream where i thought i might be dreaming so i did a reality check, i looked at my hands, but they looked normal so i continued dreaming regularly .
A few nights ago I checked my cell phone in my dream and saw it had no caller ID on it. It should have been a RC, but I didn’t take notice of it at the tie.
The most reliable RC I have come across is the nose test. Hold your nose and try to breathe. This one has NEVER failed me, Although I can’t seem to do RCs in a dream with any consistancy.
when i looked at my hands (my only LD ever ;D) they slowly were shifting in shape. same texture and colour and stuff, but yea. i never counted my fingers though
The RC that I use would be trying to fly. Just try to fly and convince yourself that if you are dreaming you will fly. It worked pretty well for me and got me my first LD. As for the other RCs I would not be sure how they work except for the hand one which scared me. When I looked at my hands they were wavering and parts of them were phasing in and out of vision. Apparently it didnt work because I kinda freaked out and woke up, but thats probably just me. I was pretty sure I was awake at the time.
Last night in an LD, I had an FA in a room I have never seen before. There was this hideous creature in the other side of the room. I was fully lucid when I had the FA, so I just did an RC to confirm that I was dreaming. I counted my fingers, there were five. I counted my fingers once more, there were still five.
I tried somewhere between 10 and 20 RCs, and they all failed. Because of the RCs failing on me, as well as the supreme realness of my surroundings, I was convinced that something had gone wrong and I had woken up in another dimension or something I was scared half to death shouting “Please let this be a dream!” over and over until I awakened.
edit: And there is no RC that works every time! They will all fail some day.