Re entering dreams

I had a dream last night, and i woke up, as i was drifting back off i tried to keep awareness of the process but i lost it somewhere along the line, BUT i ended up back in the dream at the scene where i first left off(woken up), i have done this a couple of times in my life. Now, if i concentrate hard enough tonight on said dream scene again i might be able to induce it and become lucid :smile:

just wondering if anyone has succeeded in doing this.

Yes, it’s actually a very reliable technique called DEILD. There are two ways to do it; one, you don’t move at all and just wait for a dream to appear (like an express WILD); two, you actually begin thinking of a dream scene while keeping the awareness that it is a dream. Don’t be discouraged if you fall back into a regular dream from time to time, it takes some practice to keep your awareness up.

oh rhewin…i’m so excited i could cry. so many ways and all the time in the world!
i just pray i dont wake myself up with excitement
happy dreamin’

The trick for me is to engage my dream hands. This seems to work only when I just woke up and have not moved at all; all it takes is to imagine that I am moving them. I try to make them feel as strong sensations as possible. This encourages the dreamworld to come back. Usually I fall back into whatever I was dreaming before I woke up.

Well, for me, DEILDs usually go into a different dream. However, I have woken up and wanted to go back to a dream, fallen asleep again, then continued in the same ND, or sometimes without even trying. I did that more when I was younger, but it could still happen. (Would certainly be nice sometimes!) I have attempted DEILD + reentering my previous dream. It may have worked once or twice, but I can’t remember. Still is nice to try if I’m able though. :content:

oh that happens a lot. one night recently i continued a dream that i had several weeks ago.

I have to say that when I consciously do DEILD I always end up in the previous dream and it’s very cool… Then I have opportunity to make everything all right! :content:

do you watch sky tv? Im just kidding :wink:

actually …that pretty amazing. :unk:

i will try this thanks. it seems a very simple trick :smile:


dreaming back 2 the future. timetravel dreaming sounds rather interesting. :hyper: :fly:

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