Lately i have been a little slump when it comes to LDs. But my dream recall has been a little bit better, and it seems that i always dream of the same place or same setting. When i get to this place it somewhat seems real to me, b/c I there just scatter facts that just continue to flow for my sense of reality(which really isnt real). I’m to comfortable being in this setting, so it makes it harder for me to be aware that i dreaming, but not only that, the dream seems to occur more then ever. So Lding is just blocked from this re-occuring dream, and my question is what causes these dreams to come back?and can i break this slump?(if you know what i mean )
rReocurring means good Hubbs.Whatever you dream often about can be used to be your dreamsign.In RL just keep thinking"when im in the…(this and this room)…im sure im dreaming".Just keep it in mind and lucidity is near.Its much more hassle getting lds outta nothing.Reocurring stuff helps a lot.
good luck:)
Thanks Jack
But it does sound right what you said. I guess i can figure my dream patterns alittle bit easier, just from cases of De Jah Vou, or having the same dream altogether. These dreams though, go in such depth into the topic, that seem to make no sense, but grabs my attention. Not only that but other useless details drive you away to having yourfree will(or Lucid) to do what you want, its like holding me back.
Another Speed Bump I guess.
My second LD occurred from having DeJaVu in my dreams. I was walking down this alley and these kids were on a balcony taunting me and throwing eggs at me. Later that night I had the same dream and, realizing it was a dream, I decided I wanted to change the outcome of it this time. I told myslef to face those that were taunting me and as I did I became very excited and floated rapidly up in the air, faster and faster until I ran into a bug brick wall. Then I woke up, in my dream, in my bed out of my body for a brief time. Then I went back in my body and talked to my brother about OBE’s.
Did you get Revenge? Sounds like a easy way to spot a dream after being harrast more than once. Sometimes this place where ihave these dreams, i understand that im dreaming, but after that hits me, im driven away with such Bs in the dream, i need some type of tech to keep my sense alittle bit higher then normal while im dreaming, so my attention isnt taking away from minor Bs. :hm:
Ok, lately i been having this same dream or same re-occuring dream that i made this post b/f, so i been trying spark control in it, but when im in this dreamscape i always seem so busy, that i never know whats going on. I been to this scape more than enough to know that i’m dreaming, but i never seem to know. Just lately at some point i uunderstood that i was dreaming, so i tried the spiinging tech, but that just warped me into a different spot in the dream scape. So this re-occuring dream is hard to leave, i guess i need to drink more coffee anyone have this problem before?
Ok, lately i been having this same dream or same re-occuring dream that i made this post b/f, so i been trying spark control in it, but when im in this dreamscape i always seem so busy, that i never know whats going on. I been to this scape more than enough to know that i’m dreaming, but i never seem to know. Just lately at some point i uunderstood that i was dreaming, so i tried the spiinging tech, but that just warped me into a different spot in the dream scape. So this re-occuring dream is hard to leave, i guess i need to drink more coffee anyone have this problem before?
Ok, lately i been having this same dream or same re-occuring dream that i made this post b/f, so i been trying spark control in it, but when im in this dreamscape i always seem so busy, that i never know whats going on. I been to this scape more than enough to know that i’m dreaming, but i never seem to know. Just lately at some point i uunderstood that i was dreaming, so i tried the spiinging tech, but that just warped me into a different spot in the dream scape. So this re-occuring dream is hard to leave, i guess i need to drink more coffee anyone have this problem before?
The lasts post on this thread was about having this re-occurring dream and some how it kind of blocked me out of Ld’s but they turned out to be great dreams anyways.
Well it returns, but the odd thing about it, is that the dream scape kinda of evolved or changed a bit. About the last 4-5 nights I have been returning to this place, and it seems to me I never want to wake up. Not only that but I so close from making it Lucid. Its really hard to grasp control in a fun comfortable place, but im working on it.
At one point I was doing front flips, like one right after the other, just that kind of helped me think that I was dreaming, but at the same time a dream character came to me and asked me a question. (Maybe just to throw off lucid)
Know anygood pointers, to help awake the inside part of me?(if you say spinning tech…I’ll kill you!)