Hey everyone yet another crazy question by me… i couldn’t find anything exactly answering by searching… but i had a strage dream it wasn’t lucid though… it’s very hard for me to describe my question so… i’ll do my best…
in my dream my house was like 20 times the size it really is… it was like the biggest house i have ever been in
the whole house was posessed by a dark presence… I could go into a ton of details… it was extreamly vivid… but while im dreaming i can’t seem to make myself do anything.
to become lucid you have to check your reality… but i can’t seem to do that in my dream i can’t controll it at all…
I have gotten to the point to where i can recall some dreams though… i am making some progress…
so how can i get more councious in my dream? please help me out here.
Well, it doesn’t really have that much to do with RCs, but you can use them if you want to. To use RCs, you have to get in the habit of doing an RC every time something out of place happens. Anything odd, really. That way, you naturally do an RC when something weird happens in your dream, and you become lucid.
What you describe is perfectly normal. In a normal dream, we can’t decide what action to do. Thus the principle is incubating normal dreams in which we perform RC’s, by doing them often IRL so that they become an habit, even in dreams.
Moreover, if you practice RC’s correctly, that is by questionning reality when you perform them, you can also have spontaneous LD’s.
Ohhh I got it now thanks… so I do reality checks when im not dreaming and i will end up doing them in a dream and then when i do that… i will know im dreaming and become lucid… thanks