real dreams?

ok, ive read from so many places about ppl having dreams that are as real as reality, or even more “real”
ive had what is for me one high lvl LD, i really was surprised that it was a dream and it was difficult to convince myself that it wasnt “real”, because it seemed so real. but it was not as real as “reality” its not like i would see my watch NOW and it would go fuzzy…
so what i wonder is,
is it possible to be as lucid in a dream as you are now, like you can recall your waking life, like who you are, where you live, who your friends is.
or is it like you can only remember some part of your waking life, in the same way you can only remember part of all your dreams when awake?. in that case you might have to train your “reality-recall” when dreaming lucid the same way you train your dreamrecall. and when you can completly recall yourself that is when you have a completely real dream…just a thought that struck me while i was writing now hehe…
what i really wanted to ask is if someone here has completely real dreams? be honest to yourself, there is no-one to “show of to” here, like “braging”. or is it just a myth just some very very few ppl have experienced.

please give me some clarity!!!

In my first induced LD, it was so amazingly real it actually was as real as I am sitting here now typing, the experience has stayed with me still even though it was a year and a half ago. subsequent LDs (which have been few as I stopped trying for them a few months after the first one) were of a slightly lower real quality in that I wasn’t totally lucid. I think the concept of ‘real’ used in reference to the dream can be more accurately described as ‘awareness of situation’. If you try hard enough in a lucid dream you can gain access to your waking memory.

The reality of lucid dreams can be startling sometimes. Often many senses are used, e.g. sight, touch, sound etc. and these can all add to the ‘reality’. Each sense is stimulated to the full - your vision can be perfect and you see beauty all around you, your sense of touch feels so good and sometimes you can hear sounds in such detail.

I frequently have access to my real life information in my dreams (lucid and non-lucid). This is can make it more difficult to tell the difference between dreaming and real life. The details I remember are more than just who I am and my friends, it’s things like what day and month it is, and things I have got to do that day. Obviously it does not happen in every dream, but it happens fairly regularly to me.

Yes, this is definitely possible in a high level LD. In a decent LD i think and remember everything from waking life. It all depends on the level of lucidity

…because when i dream i become this dreamcaracter “cal” its not the same cal who is sitting here know. its like i become someone else (just like one become someone else when taking a drug, weed, aclohol, mushrooms or whatever)
but the thing is that the “dream-Cal” is first very surprised of the ability to fly, but have done it many times before. so in this way its not as fun to fly in a dream as it would in real-life, since my brain know that in real life there is now way i can fly.
the explination to this is ofcourse i have yet not have a high-lvl LD, just a “decent one” my logical part of the brain hasnt bin running for 100%…
thanks for the replies!

(weird speaking to yourself in third-person hehe :smile: )