Real Nightmare

Hello for about a week now I have bin torture by some really terrifying nightmares. I have always have this problem more or less but now last week have have got the problem every night.
This is what happening:
I am sleeping then I see stranges things last time two feets disappear under my couch where I sleep when I woke up i of caurse turn on the light walking around in my room wonder whats just happend, then i turned my computer on. When im turning around there is a unknow peapole stying there and stareing at me in maybe 10 sec then he just disappear. After about 3 hours im enough brave to go to sleep again when I woke up on the morning I see my computer is on, then i know i was awake when i saw this strange thing. this has happen me over 50 times under my 18 years long life but under different circumstance. Just to notis the man i saw was gray with black eyes so it want a nórmal one.
I have bin a sleepwalker under my whole life too but i dont understand my nightmares are in real lif when I wam awake and i know i am.

please help me


Hello mr_dead, welcome to the forum.

Your problem seems a pretty severe one and quite disturbing. Although perhaps it would not be entirely impossible that the “stuff” you see has some base in reality (by which i mean that some people here probably would jump outright to the conclusion that you see “dead ppl” and the likes, but I am sceptic), however most likely these nightmares that happen during brief periods of wakefullness can very well be some kind of very active HI or “visions” so to speak. These can happen even when you aren’t sleeping, and most likely will occur when you are drowsy and close to REM sleep (for example, when you wake briefly during the night, like you wrote in your example). I have had these weird visions (which you can compare to dreams) myself at times (although no nightmares); when i wake up i sometimes see weird stuff in my room, it even happened when i dozed off in the train a few times. I saw people or other stuff being in front of me that just vanished when i woke more fully.

I think the best thing you could do is to face your nightmares and convince yourself that they are in no way any danger to you nor will they hurt you or do any harm whatsoever. Most likely when the fear is gone, the frightening visions will stop too. I wish you the best of luck with it!

Hi Mr Dead !
I agree with Xetrov. If I understand what you say, you had a nightmare first, then when you woke up and got out of your bed, you saw somebody in your room ?

It seems you experience “hypnopompic hallucinations”. It can even happen to normal people just when they wake up. They are really awake, and see something weird in their room (a flying ball of fire, a animal on the bed, etc.) This hallucination is generally brief.

For some people, I don’t know why, these hallucinations can last a bit longer. I’ve been told on another forum that somebody, when he was child, could see his dream continue many minutes after he woke up.

In many cases, understanding that all this is a sort of dream, that they can be changed at will, and that you don’t have to fear, is sufficient to change the content of these hallucinations, or make them disappear.

It seems that children have often these hallucinations, but they generally disappear when ageing. And young people have often SP (with or without hallucinations), but it seems that in your case, there was no sleep paralysis. In my opinion, that’s the only thing that makes your case rather rare.
Some questions : do you sleep sufficiently, is your sleep schedule regular, are you stressed ? It could be the cause of your sleep trouble…

I agree with Xetrov too :grin:.

I believe a good way to get rid of them would be to try talking with the halluction, nicely. Be kind to them and try to love them.

It works with nightmares, so it may work with this as well.

Hello thank you for your answers.
Sureal: I can’t talk or move when its happens.

Oh, in that case it’s just SP. Don’t worry about.

do you ever take any hallucinagenic drugs (lsd, mushrooms, ect.) ?