Reality Check failed......dammit, i was so close...

Yeah, so here i was dreaming all this random shit as you do in a real dream and i was walking this track that kept having these sudden drops, whered id fall, get up, and dust my self off, (only a fraction of the rest of the dream, to hard to put the rest in words, but it was hella interesting :grin: ) then i relised, hang on, this aint right, i could be dreaming and then looked at myt hands with detail, and they looked fine, i could see the lines and broken skin, then i looked at the ground, to see if it was real, like detailed, and it really was, really detailed like RL , then i tried to fly, and couldnt, then as i do during the day when i RC, relised it was real and went about my merry way…


i know im getin close now, but is there anything else i should try when i RC?

thanks, i wanna also say i was so astonished by the detail of the dream when i tried to RC, like i remeber dreams sorta blurry round the edges almost, but last night when i RC i was positive it was real by the amount of detail i saw on tyhe ground, it was really amazing!!!

anyway, im off to try agin


Yeah, that’s a annoying, isn’t it? It’s happened to me around… too many times…

But it means that you were incredibly close.

When trying RC’s, always try and expect it to work, even if it’s just your normal round the day one. It seems to help…

I think i may know why that happens. When you perform your RC’s during the day you must expect them to work… If you expect them to tell you that you are awake, well… Guess what will happen in the dream? :angry:

Also, Those RC’s are pretty unpredictable. I’ve tried the hand one a couple times and it’s only worked once. Have you tried the pinching your nose shut and trying to breathe in through it? I’ve used that a couple times and its worked every single time… Its such a weird sensation breathing through your nose when its shut off… It feels so wrong. :content:

Different RC’s work for different people. The hold nose one is really random, and has failed many times for me. My personal favourite is looking at clock, but I don’t always have a clock near me.

My favorite RC is putting hand into the wall :content:. The sensation is incredible.

and that what gets to me… :cry:

don’t look at that and :cry:
look at that and :ok:

pat yourself on the back, congratulate yourself for getting so close. your attitude can have an effect on your dreaming… one could argue that a dream is the outcome of your attitudes… i think it is more helpful to keep a positive one

congratulations on your almost LD :yinyang:

RC that works best for me is looking at my digital wrist watch (which I always wear in RL and it appears that I have it in my dreams whenever I need it). I either look at it, look away, and look back, and see if the time has changed, or (this is my favorite) I stare at the digits (btw, I always see the time fine (3-4 digits, all digits normal) and try to change the time telepathically. If it’s a dream, the digits would start to count time rapidly, and I become lucid. This is actually how I got into LD last night :smile:

But I too had many times when I would wonder whether it’s a dream or not and come to the decision that it is real, and soon I wake up.

You are getting closer so don’t give up now !!!

Surreal hit it right on the head. When you do the RC you really have to expect them to fail. I use reading things and telekinesis for my day time RC. Now of course telekinesis does not work in waking life but never the less I expect it to when I do the RC. Also really try to prove that you are awake. Be very critical. If you don’t take the RC seriously in waking life you won’t in the dream either.

Anyway you are heading in the right direction. :smile:

Keep practicing

I’ve thought of an RC.Have you ever tried to put a mark or a sticker on your hand?Then you can practice looking at your hand throughout the day to see if the mark on your hand changed a different shape or color.That might work for you in case the wristwatch thing doesn’t work.

I know you are very close to having an LD,but it does get annoying to be so close to having an LD and then wake up.For me it’s like I know I’m dreaming in the back of my mind because I can do stuff like fly or be able to know what will happen next in my dream,but I just can’t seem to take the next step yet.

yeh, its amazing just how much information our brain can process…

As for the RC the look-at-the-clock-then-look-again-and-see-if-the-time-changed-dramaticaly RC works every time for me, in fact I have never used any other RC’s in my dreams, this just works every time for me, maybe you should try it :smile:

I always expect that the RC will tell me I’m dreaming, this woks better :wink:


yep. The look-at-a-clock-and-see-if-time-had-changed RC is interesting. I tyed it last night and I couldn’t read the digits. Too much stuff covering them. yet for some reason I still assumed i was dreaming so I closed my eyes then spun around. It then occured to me I should look at my hands so I consciously concluded to open my eyes and I did. Except I opened my eyes IRL and woke up. :bored:

Closing your eyes can cause you wake up :confused:.

I’ve never had anything like that happen. Unfortunately in my ND’s I never question my surroundings but when I have an LD I seem to know I’m dreaming very quickly and do one RC just to make sure. You’ll have to try some different RC’s, Hope you find one that works :smile:

No, but opening your eyes tends to wake you up.

Here is my experience, it is built upon many things already quoted in this thread.

My favorite RC: clock. I always wear my digital clock IRL, but for some reason I never see it in my dream. I don’t always see a clock around where I am, either. Although, when I do, it doesn’t always take a digital one to tell me that I am dreaming. I saw a strange analog one that told me I was dreaming, because I just couldn’t imagine such a strange clock IRL. Every time i’ve seen a clock, it’s triggered an LD.

Hand RC: Tried it for the first time last night. It failed, my hands were just as they were IRL. I know that I’m really close to having vivid, longer-lasting LDs, I just need to focus on my intention more, and always record my dreams. Congratulations and good luck to you, IllGiveItAGo. :cool:

I’ve heard many people relate that (at least when they’re learning to LD, perhaps longer) that closing their eyes might wake them up.

More often I’ve heard of people finding that closing their eyes in an LD causes them to lose lucidity, and perhaps after that wake up. I have no idea how universal this is.

In school, Im designing a reality checker in DT. Its going to have a small led screen and when you press the red button on the bottom, It will say “Reality”. I haven’t ever gotten a lucid dream yet, but I hope that when I press it multiple times in a Lucid Dream, it will display strange random messages. Will be a good reality checker I think!

Most of my LD’s seem to take place in my apartment. Where I am just doing normal everyday things. I’m really working on having more LD’s outside of my apartment because it is hard to realize you are dreaming if you are at home in the dream. Ya know?

What I do to RC when I have the ‘at home’ LD’s is that I look around to see if anything is missing, out of place, or if something that should not be there is there. One time I realized I was LD’ing because my lamp by my computer was missing, and another time my stereo was missing. I was actually upset with one LD because in the dream I was doing my dishes then walked into the livingroom some stuff was missing and other stuff moved around, then I knew I was dreaming. But when I woke up from the nap my dishes weren’t done. :lol: :sad: :smile:

Oh, I also wake myself up from a LD by closing my eyes tightly or I will shake my leg or just keep thinking ‘wake up’ to myself. These always work for me. If you really want to wake up from a LD you can. But sometimes you may end up in another dream which is a FA. :help: :eek: :wink: