How do you preform a good.proper reality test during the day.
concrete examples would be good.
The only reality check I ever do is the hand one. I hold my hand palm down in front of me and count my fingers, turn it over so it’s palm up and count again, and then, just to be sure, I try to imagine two of my fingers melding together.
It has never failed for me in a dream, last night two of my fingers were joind together at the tips and then they started dancing around and swapping positions. Left very little doubt in my mind…
Hope it helps.
well I use a lot the hand one too. And another one mentioned in this page is trying to remember all your steps on how you got “here”. I got up, wash my self, ate breakfast bla bla bla… until now! In dreams you just suddently appear, so it can help you a lot.
Those are too time-consuming for me. I just block my nostrils and try to breath. I if I do, I’m dreaming. Fast and works every time.
I look around and see if i can read somthing. Or i just look at my hands.
I look at my hands (Hands up! ) ), it’s a really simple RC. First I count my fingers twice, in my dreams the number of fingers I have will change for every time I count them . Then I look at the lines in my hand.
I use the clock. Look at any clock or expect to see digital face watch on your arm…look once then turn away and look again…if its a dream the numbers will change. You can also read a sign or something with writting on it…just look at it and then turn away and look again. if your dreaming it will change…the asking the question of “How did i get here” works well.
ok thanks that helps.
The nature of the tests are less important than the habit of doing them. Choose one that you will be able to remember to do every hour or so. That’s the way to get to do them in your dream.