How would I go about doing a Reality Check in my dream? I’ve seen people mention doing reality checks in their LD’s. Is there a certain way to do that ?
How would I go about doing a Reality Check in my dream? I’ve seen people mention doing reality checks in their LD’s. Is there a certain way to do that ?
Reality Checks work by doing them during your day. Like, try to do them whenever something common happens, such as whenever you hear somebody say your name, you do a reality check. You can really do one whenever you want, so then you’ll begin dreaming about doing them.
You can read up about it in the lucid dreaming wikibook:
OK thanks = )
I’ve been doing RC’s a lot lately = ) I normally hold my nose then see if I can still breathe through it, and jump up. Last night I can remember opening my eyes every once in a while and doing the RC to see if I was in a dream. Do LD’s come easier after you do RC’s ?
well RC’s dont nessecarily make LDing easier however it makes it far easier to become lucid within a dream, if that makes sense?
without RC’s ‘‘wakeing up’’ in a dream wouldnt be as easy… but having multiple LDs would still be a different matter
Okay I see
RCs are important because they link recurring dream themes with waking life experiences, coupled with a good sense of criticism. It is this criticism you need to develop. When you do a RC, don’t just do it, but really criticise the situation you’re in: can this all be a dream? Why not? What proves me that I’m not dreaming right now? Suppose I AM dreaming, how would that be? How would it feel to become lucid right now? Pose yourself these questions and feel yourself dreaming. Even feel the adrenalin rushing through your veins upon “realizing” you’re dreaming. Then make sure you prove to yourself that you’re actually awake.
If you do this everyday, the critical attitude will also enter your dream. With a bit of luck you will be critical enough to yourself to discover you ARE dreaming.
As silva said: this way, RCs can be a good aid to become lucid. Subsequently, the fact that you’ve become lucid gives your brain a taste of lucidity. This experience is vital to become lucid easier the next time. In time, the amount of lucid experience will work as a catalyst, making it easier to have LDs. It is a bit idealized, because you will also encounter lucid droughts, but it does seem to be the general trend. Ofcourse all of this is only true if you keep practicing every day.
Good luck!