My dreams usually aren't too weird. They are surrounded with (usually) common people in my everyday life, along with scenery not being too too weird / strange in context. I have been trying holding your nose while breathing, and looking at my hands to see if anything is wrong with them for my RC's throughout the day. I can't seem to remember to do any reality checks throughout my dreams, even though I do them very often throughout the day. The only time I have become is lucid is by me noticing im dreaming by what someone has said to me, or by seeing myself in 3rd person. I was wondering if there would be some RC's in particular that would go well with my dream settings, and if there is another "style" I should try corresponding correctly to the way I dream. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Try to find signs in your dreams which occurs often. Example. I just figured out that I find myself in a car in my dreams very often, so I’m going to make it a habit to do a RC whenever I place myself in a car.
What Threlm said is actually the best method for “personalizing reality checks”. One of the main purposes of a DJ is so that you can start picking out your dream signs and creating reality checks around them.
Also, how long have you been doing your current RC regime? If you’ve only been doing reality checks consistently for a few days it’s not surprising that you haven’t had much success yet. If you can persist for much longer, say, about a month of consistent RCs, then your chances of accidentally doing one of those RCs in a dream will greatly increase. Simply put, the longer you do those RCs, the more likelihood that you will do one of those RCs in a dream.
You should note that personalizing your RCs is much more effective than a brute force RC regime of simple RCs like breathing through nose or pushing your thumb through the palm of your hand. You should ALSO note that if you combine a powerful RC regime with personalized RCs your chances are even higher.
Don’t forget, like others have said, to look for dreamsigns. If you haven’t yet, start journaling. If you have, look through your journal and find something that appears consistently through most of your dreams. Then start to do reality checks whenever you taste/smell/touch/hear/see that certain thing.