I know i keep posting stuff about different methods…but im just tryin to find the one for me. i think i may go back to reality testings…because HILD isnt working. does anybody here do reality testings every day to become lucid at night? and if you do…do you wake up in the middle of the night? thanks again for the help
Hello. This is what I do:
I have written in my left hand the letters RC which stand for Reality Checks. Whenever I see it I wonder if I am dreaming. Due to the fact that this happens often, when I have normal dreams, that ‘worry’ continues to the dream, and I become lucid.
No, I do not wake up at night. U just normally sleep, and lucidity just visits me.
(By the way, my 4th LD last night in a month, and in my entire life)
well…i dont think ill write any thing on my hand…just cus it will fade away probably. but thanks for the information
I don’t do RC’s very often, I’ve put an ‘Am I dreaming?’ sign on my bedroom door.
When I have an LD it doesn’t usually cause me to wake up. If you wanted to you could set an intention to wake up after every dream. That helps you remember them in a lot of detail.
so you put a sign on your door…and whenever you see it, you do a RC?
Actually, writing RC on your hand seems like an awesome idea.
Thats what I’m gonna do from now on.
I seem to do most my RC’s while I’m on this site, because I’m thinking about it alot, at other times I’m focused on other things so I do them less.
RCs are pretty helpful, especially in the beginning (at least in my case). From all the times I became lucid after doing a RC, I woke up perhaps in 15% of the cases. If you can stabilize your dream efficiently, you won’t wake up (or in the worst case, you wake up in a FA). However, this might be a problem in the beginning, but it will improve once you gain more experience.
The most helpful RC for me is looking several times at my watch to see if the hour doesn’t change, and to try breathing while I hold my nose shut. I don’t think writing “RC” on your hand is very effective, because you must be very lucky if it also appears in your dream. And even if it should appear, you must be able to read it properly (dream words have the annoying tendency to change).
You haven’t been practicing HILD long enough to give it up and claim it doesn’t work yet.
And besides, you can use RC AND HILD.
For you’re RC, take them whenever you’re scared/worried. Whenever you wake up. Whenever anything seems even remotly wrong. Whenever you’re thinking of dreaming or LD’ing. And whenever you remember.
That should just about do it…
Also, it’s a good idea still do WBTB with RC. Trust me… it helps alot. Just use your alarm clock to wake you up, and then go strait back to sleep. I’d say set it for roughly six hours after you get to sleep.
You should also take more than one RC each time. RC’s are prone to failing, eve in dreams, so you should two or threee different ones.
So… what RC’s are you using?
i know WBTB will probably help…but since school is here…if i wake up in the middle of the night…odds are i wont be able to go back to sleep :-/ thats my only problem. so do you think its possible to just do RCs and you will eventually have a LD? by the way, the reality checks i do are look at my hands, look at my watch, and breathe through my nose when it is shut. thanks for the tips
Sure. But if you’re only relying on RCs, you might need to increase their amount and intensity during the day. If school is a problem to do WBTB, you can always go to bed an hour earlier, so that you have enough sleep to wake up let’s say two hours before you really need to get up. Stay awake for half an hour and then fall asleep upon repeating a mantra or something. If you’re afraid that you won’t be able to fall asleep again, make sure that you’re never fully awake during the WBTB. Or you could also just wake up for a few minutes and then fall back asleep while trying to WILD. If you adjust your sleep patterns a bit during school, there are numerous possibilities you can try.
Good luck
The trick to fallign abck to sleep easily from WBTB is just to go strait abck to bed. And don’t get exicted about LD’ing (cos that’ll keep you awake). Just close your eyes and relax and you shoud fall asleep in no time.
Better yet - don’t even get out of bed. You’ll have no trouble then .
Yes… WBTB is better (for most poeple) if you stay up for half an hour or so, but you seem to be like me and have trouble getting abckt o sleep, so you could try just ignoring that part.
BenDrummin, don’t let school interfere with your LD’ing… in fact, consider class to be seperated bits ofWBTB time, without the fear of missing out on anything important in the real world. Plus, there’s almost always someone who starts whispering “psst… your sleeping”, in the incorrect assumption that you care, but it DOES help in gaining lucidity. However, you may not wanna take my word for it, I’ve gotten more drool on my tests then 'A’s. (or any other passing grade, for that matter)
lol…im not going to sleep on it at school
Good call… bad things happen to those who take me seriously
Personally, when practicing, I use RCs (reality testing) constantly, and mix in anything else I want to try.
I’m a bit confused. Do you mean if people use WBTB with RCs? I don’t think people do, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Will be happy to hear of any results.
yeah im going to try. im goin to mix WBTB with WILD with RC…hehe. ill let u know tomorrow if it worked…
Well, reality testing really helps you with FAs.
My best lucidity up to date was caused by a FA and RC
Well, I wrote, “Am I dreaming?” in big letters on a sheet of cardboard and placed it near the clock in case I have a false awakening, because when I wake up at night, I usually look there… And now I am going to notice if there is something strange with the letters. But I had not false awakenings since I did it, so I don’t know if it really works. And in day-time I usually do nose test and count fingers, and if I see something like a signboard or a poster, I read it twice…
Just keep in mind that the goal is not to just do reality checks. The important part is to stop and question your reality. Then you can use reality checks to try and prove you are not dreaming.
Alternatively, you can try to experience everything as if it were a dream. Imagine for a moment what you would do in your dream and look for dream signs from your real dreams (or imagine they are there).
You could also combine the two. Ask your self am I dreaming. (Or words to that effect) then prove if that you are or not. If not dreaming then take a minute to experience that everything is a dream. Then affirm your intention to recognize when you are dreaming.
If you combine this with other induction techniques you increase your chances even more.