I was at school the other day, just daydreaming about something when suddenly I just realized I was dreaming (well, daydreaming) during it. I lost the daydream then, but then next period I did it again (going back to reality once I realized I was daydreaming). I don’t even think I had a part in the daydreams, but I still realized what it was. Anyone ever done this before?
yes, i think everyone on earth has.
daydreams are respected, but they are very, uh, good and stuff.
yea i’ve done that plenty of times… unfortunately i’m usually woken up by the teacher asking me a question resulting in me making a fool of myself. but yea, daydreaming isn’t uncommon for me…
It is true that every one daydreams… probly more often than they relize.
That is one thing that is not conductive for lucid dreaming b/c it is the opposite of awareness.
In meditation you watch the breath and when you relize you are daydreaming you come back to it. Try it out for a while and see if your lucid dream amount increases… I know mine has.
When you say daydreaming, do you mean just letting your mind wander and sort of “zone out” from everything that’s going on around you? Or do mean that you actually “see” stuff like in a real dream? I’d love to be able to have an LD any time, any place. Just close my eyes and there I am. Is that what you’re talking about?
I’m talking about in a daydream, when you see events happening, with no awarness of your actual surroundings, and you realize during it that its not real. Not being interupted by anything else, but just figuring it out yourself. Kind of like normal dreams during the night, where you turn lucid. It would just be really great if you could have a lucid daydream during the daytime. Sure would make the schooldays go by faster…
I don’t think you would be able to lucid day dream. When you’re day dreaming your body is awake… usually reality can get in the way and not let you keep on dreaming once you realize it. That’s just what i think though.
I don’t really have daydreams, I really just think about what is happening at the moment. I do have hypnogogic imagry when I rest my head on a desk after lunch.
I have the same feeling with daydreams. I also had another similar thing that happened while i was going to sleep once. i had hypnogogic imagery of an E$$O service station, then i realised the sign was splelt in some kind of strange alphabet and got a feeling almost the same as the one you get when you become lucid, but not as strong. Does anyone know what this is?
I’m not sure what this should be defined as…
I was watching TV when suddenly I was watching another scene. Not watching as in on the TV screen… as in like I was actually there. No more loungeroom - just a ancient, rustic, rural city market. I was well aware my scene had changed, yet that I was really sitting on the couch. It lasted about 10 -15 seconds and I was back in the loungeroom thinking “whoa - what just happened then?”