Really heavy sleeping, SP and... sanity!?

This morning I had a weird experience… from my DJ:

I know if I were a bit more conscious I might have thought “screw it, just sleep!”, but it still was scary :cry: specially since I was able to truely wake up a few times and felt like crap.

just wondering if anyone has had anything like this? Not considering that SP can be scary and that it might freak you out. It’s more about the not moving part of SP, and feeling extremely tired and heavy…

this can sometimes also happen if you have potassium deficiency. actually SP is caused by a drop in potassium levels i think, but i once saw this TV program where a scientist was testing if you can get certain diseases because of not eating stuff and not getting vitamins/minerals… one day he couldn’t get out of bed cause he was paralyzed. in a few hours he barely made it to crawl to a hospital where he found out he has potassium deficiency.

wow, that sounds scary :eek: It was just one night so it probably wasn’t my case. Thanks for the reply though, I had almost forgotten about this :lol: