REALLY interesting Possibly new way to induce lucid dreams

Hi, so this morning i had school. But i woke up a little before i had to get up for school. I strangely did not remember any dreams. Usually my dream recall is very good but i didnt remember one dream. And so i was just laying there trying to remember and i had moved a couple times so i was basically awake now but still tired. My dad came in and told me i had to get up now. I didnt want to get up so i just kinda said ehhhhg and he said he’ll give me 2 minutes before i had to get up. He then put something of mine on my bed and it rolled down on my back then he left the room. I had my eyes closed the whole time and was focusing on what was now on my back. It felt like it had some sort of strap. And very oddly about after 10-15 SECONDS of thinking what was on me. i was in a dream!! and in my dream i got out of my bed and found out that what was on my back was a headlight. I examined it and after a little realized it said the name andrew written across it. (im guessing this scene took about 40 seconds cuz i played with it a little) then my brother came into my room and said something then he took me into another room and showed me something and continued talking and then all of the sudden the dream darkened and i woke up to my dad shaking me to get up now. I quickly looked what my dad had actually put and it was just some sort of toy ball. But i was quite amazed when i woke up for i had fallen asleep in only about 10 seconds and went DIRECTLY into a dream. A new technique could be used where say someone give you something and places it even in your hands (idk lol) and all you do is think about that object and it could quickly take you into a dream! you then could learn to look for things that are in your hands or touching you. touch induced lucid dream???

This sounds very similar to DEILD or a quick WILD. What basically happened was that the item gave you something to focus on while you were falling back asleep. Your awareness stayed up, so you were lucid the moment the dream started. Congrats on the LD :content:

I think the main thing here is that you kept your attention on an external thing as you slipped back in a dream.
Could it be that you woke up just before REM period, your interaction with your dad worked as a sort of WBTB technique and then your concentration on the object kept you aware enough to slip in a dream?

Was your brother actually present somewhere nearby and was talking, or did you dream that up?

I remember that I sometimes have tactile hallucinations in the hypnogogic state, as if my cat is walking on my bed. I can even track its movement! Of course there’s no cat, but it is so real!

yeahthats probly what happened and im not exactly sure if my brother was close by or not… but he mightve been :smile: