I find it a technique will work better if I know WHY it works.
I was wondering if the resident experts could tell me:
When we wake up and then go back to bed to try WILD, why isn’t going back to bed starting a new cycle of dream, and therefore being 90mins off the next REM period.
This also applies to naps. Many say that they get great LDs form naps, but why does your body not treat that nap as the beginning of your next sleep?
My theory is it has something to do with how tired you are, instead of WHEN you are sleeping, but your wise answers would be of great help.
It’s a fact the rem-state gets longer and longer through the night, also the time between rem-periods gets shorter, so you’ll have better changes to hit the wave after you have slept for 5-6 hours.
And the cycle won’t reset when you wake up, you wake up many times during the night, but you’ll not register it because it’s such a short time.
Also in the evening there are tension in your muscles and your mind is full of events what happened during the day, and your concentration/awareness isn’t so sharp, that’s why it’s almost impossible to get wild in the evening.
During sleep your subconscious will handle those things you were thinking in the evening and muscle tension (or whatever thing which makes relaxation difficult in the evening, I call it that) will fade away.
so why doesnt your REM period length shorten throughout the night, although you wake up so many times. one method of wilds is to stay awake for maybe an hour or two, and then go back to bed and dream. to me, it would make sense that it would be similar to falling asleep at night, thereby not having the lengthy dreams…obviously not. but why?
I couldn’t agree whit U more magicadam. Everything I don’t understand, I won’t do. I have never understanded why I have to stay up an hour before going back to sleep in NILD, so I have never done it, it just makes it harder to sleep.
It’s very simple, the time you stay awake before going back to sleep ( to try WILD or NILD again ) makes you much more fresh, it’s makes your brain and your thoughts much clearer, so when you go back to sleep you have much more chances to understand that you are dreaming and also your lucid dream will be much more lucid ( height lucidity level ) becouse your brain now is much more “awake” ( becouse of the time you where awake ).
I think that the reason you don’t start the sleep cycle over after a short period of waking time is that there are still chemicals related to the sleep cycle floating around your body. (After only an hour or so, there are much more than after a regular 16+ hour day.) Melatonin is one of them, and there are probably a bunch of others. It’s been a while since I’ve read about that kind of stuff.
Again- Wild is a method which lets you(when you patient and well…skilled) enter your dreams almost or entirely conciously-to do so you need REM period as soon as you fall asleep.Thats why you wake up after some time-to hit right into REm.Cant do it on the evening-first rem comes in 90 mins.
Good luck