This post has to do with love and girls so if you don’t like hearing people talk about such things, here is your warning…
Sometimes I want to completely forget dreaming altogether. I AM over my ex-girlfriend, and WAY over my ex ex girlfriend. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to stop many of my dreams at night from tempting me with untrue love. I will be sitting in a swing with one of them in a field with roses as far as I can see and she tells me she loves me and never wants to leave, and kisses me, etc. I have beaten up their current boyfriends and had my ex girlfriends run over to me and kiss me. I have rescued them both from dangerous situations all ending with their regaining their love for me. Even if I’m not lucid, my regular dreams are very vivid. I wake up from these dreams with so much hurt or hate, or maybe both. I end up laying there, unable to think about anything else, and many times I end up drifting right back into the same dream or something similar. Last night was no exception. The one girl I do love doesn’t love me. And we work together. That sucks enough but I dreamed last night of telling her exactly how I feel. She gave me the impression I needed to do something drastic to really convince her so I just grabbed her in my arms and kissed her and boy did she respond! She pulled me to the floor and we were having sex in seconds. Unfortunately, I woke up and MAN WAS I MAD! It’s not so much the interruption of the sex, but the fact that she loved me for once. Now I’m back to where she doesn’t. I don’t really know what to say. I don’t actually expect any responses to this. And I’m not asking for anyone’s pity, just wondering if anyone here has had the same problem of ex’s and people you love but don’t love you invading your dreams.