In my dream last night i was at my Grandmother’s old house in the back yard. It was stormy and rain flooded the huge open back yard that seemed like a wilderness. I was in the back yard with several other people who didn’t seem like individuals but me. I felt as though i were having a reunion with myself in this place. I was sitting down in the mud when a airplane or helicopter shone its light down on me. But then i woke up.
Another on of my recent dreams in where i was standing by a palm tree, it wasn’t an ordinary palm tree because it looked strange, i then decided to see a video game character from kingdom hearts 2 because in the game they had palm trees and it reminded me of that. I saw on of the characters standing by the tree, but it seemed too weird for me so i let it go and made a joke out of her and the tree for not being “real” enough.
I have been having a lot of dreams dealing with the beaut of the ocean and earth and how it is being ruined because no one is really taking care of it. Like in my dream last night i was staring out into an ocean and walking along the shore, i felt like it was almost too late to change things as far as lucid dreams.3/18/07
I was in a room with a judge who didn’t like me, she was saying rude things to me. I had enough of her so i strangled her leaving her mad, she restrained my family members into chairs that choked them but i saved ed the day and got everyone out f the building