I had a LD this morning where I met Hermionie. I remember looking at her and trying to figure out if she looked the way she’s supposed to look (like in the movies, or even just close to that), but I simply couldn’t remember what she looked like and couldn’t even get a full mental picture of what this DC looked like. I guess I just knew it was her because of that kind of “dream knowing”.
Has anyone had this? It’s almost if I got a dream version of that condition where you can’t recognize faces (forgot what it’s called). I don’t think I have this in all my ND’s/LD’s, but I also feel like this isn’t the first time…
I was wondering if you’d see this topic . Prosopagnosia, ok, I doubt I’ll remember it, but I’ll try.
I’m guessing it’s just a face related version of limited dream memory, as when you can’t remember… well, anything else in a dream. It just felt really weird!
People in my dreams always look different than what they really look like. Different hair, different height, different type of clothes. But they are still pretty much the same person other than that dfference.
I’ve never heard of someone suffering dream prosopagnosia before but I guess it could be an explanation. The simplest explanation would be that you just weren’t fully lucid.
I’ve experienced something like this before, but instead of remembering nothing of the DC I remember them having the wrong traits. For example one DC had blond hair instead of brown and was really young but I still recognized him without any problems.
Maybe I’m lucky that most of my DC’s appear how I know them.
Reading this reminds me of an article I came across where they’ve discovered a means to paint pictures of what the brain actually sees. The tech is not very developed and far from efficient, and the images they are able to produce look more like blurry water paints or wet oils, but what they’ve produced looks like the brain sometimes interprets visuals different than what we actually see. i.e, animals or objects that the brain reproduces as people, or people wearing different clothes than they actually are.
Obviously the brain is far more efficient than this, but seeing people slightly different in your dreams than you know them in real life, may have something to do with this.
As for just knowing it’s them, it’s not really relying on visuals, and knowledge is perceived far more effectively.