I´ve been into lucid dreaming for quite a while now, albeit ´ve never managed to become a professional lucid dreamer who can have lucid dreams at will (lack of disclipline )
Fortunetley, I had at least one lucid dream per night a weak ago and I´ll hope this will continue.
After just focussing on just the hedonistic sides of LDing, I now find it quite boring. So I asked myself: May it be possible to trigger an NDE in lucid dreams or at least aspects of it? The answer is: YES!
I got that idea when I was readin a few “hellish” NDE´s.
The person- maybe trying to commit suicide- is caught in this dark, god-absent place suffering fear and pain. Then he calls out for the light and it appears! I thought that this must work for LD´s, too.
However, I´ll tell of my experiments so far. In two cases it worked, most exactly the same two times, even if there wasn´t a full blown NDE.
I wished there were the famous tunnel- and there it was, but more like a cheap version of it
Then I had the sensation of floating out of my body towards the tunnel. I was very euphoric because i thought something big would happen. The tunnel “pulled” me somehow into it (the light was rather green than white).
What happened wasn´t an NDE but a quite tremendous experience in a strange world which seemed very real (nearly all lucid dreams seem “real” in ways of smelling, touching, taste and so on), but real in a way i thought the people there were not my imagination. I think of Mark Horton´s dreams he had after the NDE in coma.
Of course the barrier between afterlfe and waking life is an illusion, but a very persistent one- in everyday waking consciousness. In dreams I overall have the impression to be more connected to “the ONE”.
Well, I had a synchronicity short after. Luckliy in my library they had a copy of Stephen Laberge´s “Hellwach im Traum” (don´t know the original title) he tried the exact same thing- and succeeded- more than me (report of overwhelming love, connectedness…)
I think, for the people here who are professional lucid dreamers this must be an easy one. I must confess that i have little to no control over the environment in my LD´s so it´s quite surprisingly that it worked out for me so well.
I´ll bet the more versed dreamers here are able to achieve a full blown near death experience that is quite like the one´s reported by people who were really near death.
Now i hope some people here want to participate in this experiment.
I indeed will keep you reported and are lookin for to have an experience that is more “near death”.