Recommended books

So I’m supposed to read a bunch of books and then do book reports, but I just can’t find any good books, so has anyone read anything good?

What I’m looking for: Well, obviously it should have a story as I need to write a report. I hate story books as you rarely ever get some useful experience from reading it. It should be something (what’s the word I’m looking for…) inspiring, life changing, it should make you think. Preferably very philosophical.



Dawn by Elie Wiesel
Day by Elie Wiesel

They are both very philosophical.

Ender’s Game by Orson scott Card.

well, I don’t know if it’s philosophical, but it does have some very deep “what it means to be human”, in it.

Speaker for the Dead, a sequel, is supposed to be more philosophical.
But I can’t find it anywhere… :neutral:

It has 5 parts :yes:
I love Ender’s game best :grin:

how about “the Hobbit” or “the Kite runner”? both were read on LD4all in a book circle - they are in the lounge somewhere, and the next poster will provide links to those and get a cookie :cookiemon: :grin:

Yeah, I’m reading Speaker for the dead now.

I was so confused as to which book was the direct sequel to Ender’s Game. :bored:

The parallel series of Bean makes it confusing as to what book comes next from Ender’s point of view. :confused:

Q :content:
[reading circle] The Hobbit

The Reading Circle - discussion about books to read

and the other reading circle topic …
Reading Circle - Ficciones, March 2008

/me waits for lucid cookie :cookiemon:

*pasQuale gives moogle extra lucid cookies! Thank you! :cookiemon:

Here are some inspirational, motivational and life changing books.

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

Letters to Sam by Daniel Gottlieb