Recommended mantra's for MILD?

So, any good mantra’s to say will performing MILD? I do MILD before I go to bed and WILD with WBTB.

Also, When I woke up for my WBTB I performed WILD, I was trying to concentrate but then just fell asleep just like that. Without even knowing. No LD Dreams, but man I had some crazy dreams, and can recall them quite clearly. Please reply fellow dreamers!!! :help:

It depends, do you need mantra for DR, for WBTB of just achieving lucidity?!

Because mantra for DR and waking up for WBTB seems to work pretty good, but whenever I suggest myself that I will have a lucid dream or that I will realize that I’m dreaming, not so much…

So for what do you need mantra?!

I think the original mantra for MILD as developed by Dr Stephen LaBerge is: “Next time I’m dreaming, I want to remember I am dreaming.” But the technique is more involved that than. Remembering what you just dreamed, focusing your intent, and visualizing yourself becoming lucid in your next dream saying “I’m dreaming”.

for achieving lucidity! It seems most of the time I would say, I will realize im dreaming, and I wont when im dreaming. And sometimes in my dreams I would do a reality check, but im not “actual doing it” and I wont become lucid. I really want to Lucid Dream because I gave up so many times and I don’t want to give up again.

How can I improve my WILD too? I really need help with that. Thank you! :smile:

Heh, that’s the hardest one! :happy:

You have so many guids about how to WILD and when, and why and bla bla bla. You can read all that an still you might not get the answer that you are looking for. WILD is very personal technique and it works in different ways for different people!

I can only say that gaining lucidity for most people is like building the house. You have to start with the foundation. And that is DR. For WILD you don’t needed it that much, but it can be that WILD is just not the tech for you.

My personal goal is to rebuild DR because for me it’s too hard to gain lucidity without it, and maybe you should find a week link in your chain and make it stronger.

Also about RC. It’s not so much about how many RC you do through the day, but how you do them. When checking reality, first you need to STOP! Stop with everything. Look around, feel the air, touch something, and ask yourself how you get here. Then answer you question and then do the physical RC. You’ll see, that helps a lot. Observe, observe and observe…

Hope this helps!

geez thanks so much! You see im coming undone in life, and I feel like lucid dreaming is the only escape for me, i just need some help. I’ll reply back tomorrow morning! Thanks! :smile:

well my MILD put me to sleep pretty quick, does give you some vivid dreams. I woke up to to my WILD but forgot and I fell asleep. :sad: damn…

try wild during a nap ??? youll see

I do try WILD during naps and I get close, but my family is a distraction! So noisy lol. I really need more motivation to keep me going! :smile: When I do WILD what should I focus on the most?

ohhhhh family
what do i recommend you is to put relaxing music in ipod …etc
and put your headphones and try wild’ing with music
seriously when you do wild just let it go by saying a great in your head while seeing stuff
just watch them and let them go and finnally yoou will reach it
im trying one too
but i think the best way is during night during a wake back to bed
that time i almos got it :confused:
im trying again tonight

IKR! I’m so close to sleep paralysis, and then my parents start arguing out of nowhere.

I agree with the post above me, you should try WBTB+WILD. I always seem to fall asleep when trying to do that lol. I’ll try harder next time :happy:

yeah i always fall asleep while trying too but i rode somewhere that you should do something before going to bed … for exemple read forums and stuffs and after 10 minutes try your wild let me know tomorow how it went :razz:
ill do the same


I know what you mean, so close, but then your parents start blabbering lol.

So im going to try harder tonight, I really don’t want to give up!