Recurrent Nightmares

I don’t have nightmares very often, but I’ve realized that a lot of them have recurrent themes. For instance, I’ve had many horrible dreams involving dirty, disgusting public restrooms, whether it be because it’s flooded or the toilets are too big or too small or just the way the floor and walls look. I’ve had nightmares like that for many, many years, and they always leave a bad impression on my mind even hours after I’ve woken up.

So, do you have any recurrent nightmares?

yep ones about the blue screen of death. I’m not really scared of them though, the dreams or anything. The blue screen of death, I am scared of. I just react like in real life - shield my eyes!

it’s pretty weird…

What the hell is the blue screen of death? lol

And usually if you just face your nightmares they turn out not scary, but I guess you can’t help it if you’re unaware that you’re dreaming…which is why becoming lucid helps.

Blue screen of death is when your PC computer crashes and you get that blue warning! screen on your computer. It’s just as much of a nightmare in real life as it is in a dream :tongue:

I’ve posted this before i think, my recurrent nightmare is when i’d be in my house, and i’d do something to irk my dad. At this point i would get this OVERWHELMING feeling that i was being chased, and it would cause me to sprint as fast as i can towards the back door, occasionally the front. a few frantic seconds of fumbling with the door lock, and then running out, running as fast as i can through the backyard, struggling to open the backyard gate, and running as fast as i can down the street. Even now the prescence usually was still there, and i never ever dared look back to see if he was following me. However everytime i took the first right off the street, the feeling would leave, and i would end up walking to the local shopping centre, an eerie peacefulness around. The dream would turn to a pleasant shopping centre dream afterwards.

One time, i turned the street and he was still chasing me. This became a real nightmare, because i was being chased for 10 minutes, and everything around me grew dark. The last 3 times it happened though, were better. 1st time, i ran out the back door and kind of glided over the back gate so i escaped fairly easily. the 2nd time, i managed to phase through the door and the gate, so it saved franticness, and the 3rd time i managed to fly away after i phased through the door. i haven’t had the dream since.

my nightmares are always about burgurlars coming into my house and killing everyone there then cutting me in half with a axe as I’m trying to get out of the door. ugh

:confused: they scare me

OH YEAH!! There was this one I had only ONCE and I was in my local shopping centre. What happend was I was wondering around looking in shops and just as I was coming out of a clothes shop the walls and ceiling got taller and wider :o. The the floor started to move up and down.<:( It was all slippery so I couldn’t climb up the hilly bits of the floor. It was scary because I thought I’d NEVER get out!