I’ve just found the site today and figured I’d sign up after reading through all the posted materials. I’ve always found dreams interesting, and I’ve read quite a few books on the subject over the years. In short, hello! I’m new here!
Anyhow, on to the recurring dream part of my subject. I’ve always been a fairly sleepy person, and generally around 4-5pm or so I end up being sleepier than more tired than at any other point in the day, no matter what my activity level might be. I’m not regular about these naps, so they aren’t a habit… I just sometimes get really darn tired and am unable to fight it off. So I sleep. During these naps I tend to dream fairly vividly, moreso than during my normal sleep hours, and often times I have recurring-style dreams.
I’m not sure how to describe them other than they are all formulated around my brain not wanting me to wake up. I’ll be laying in bed, and I know that I’ve been asleep for a little while and decide to get up. I’ll even open my eyes and in that instant I begin to dream again, the dream starting from the last thing my eyes saw before the dream took over. This is always completely seamless to me, so in the dream I get up, go about my business, and I’ll even pass some of the reality checks that I do for myself, which only compounds the problem. Eventually though, something odd will happen and I will immediately realize that I am not awake at all, but still in my bed, napping away. Usually when this happens my eyes will open again… and the process will start all over again. I’ve had this repeating pattern of fake awakenings happen sometimes six times in a row…
When I finally do wake up, I am usually very confused and disoriented, as I’ve essentially had to fight off my own mind’s illusions to escape it seems, and it usually takes me an hour to snap out of the strange haze it has put me into. Now, I’m not here to ask for help, as I find the whole experience curious, and not really unpleasant. However, I am curious as to what this sort of dreaming is called? I’ve not run across it any reading before, but I’m sure people out there have had this sort of experience before.
Do any of you have minds that play tricks on you?