Red Magnetic Dragon - New Galactic Spin

Hiya Everyone.

Just wanted to put the message out there that today, Kin 1: Red Magnetic Dragon, heralds a new cycle of the 260-kin Harmonic Module, or what is also known as a new galactic spin.

I woke from a dream this morning, in which I was asked to listen to “every murmur of the universe”. I felt this related to the pure state of “being” associated with the nurturing energies of the RED DRAGON, and the potential of expanding our awareness to encompass the larger whole, in such a way that we may recognise and find commonground between the PURPOSE with which every cell of our bodies and every aspect of the universe vibrates.

I hope you enjoy the ride.


I should probably add that if you’ve been waiting aroudn for the “right time” to get into the Dreamspell, this presents a great opportunity to ride the galactic spin from beginning to end, and to really see where that leads…


hey everyone (and Nick :smile: )! I first started following and learning Dreamspell on January 1 of this year (White Lunar Mirror, Rhythmic 20) and since then, I have found wonderful harmony and intricate patterns inside them. I have learned a LOT about Dreamspell and apply it to my dream journal and daily work. I can see the benefits it has to people that follow it. It inspires me every day to fulfill some quality or part of myself that I need fulfilling.

A lot of my creative inspiration has come out of Dreamspell. I am a software developer and I can find many uses for Dreamspell. I thought I would help everyone by creating a date converter, which I have released as version 1.21. It is free to the public (check out the link in my sig below for more info).

While on vacation in New Orleans (during the Yellow Star wavespell) I came across some very creative ideas for improving my date converter. I came up with a lot of features, such as a kin decoder (much like the one on and a wavespell and moon calculator, which shows an entire wavespell and moon at once. Very useful for journaling programs if you want to keep your journals my moon or wavespell!

I know a lot of people can find uses for Dreamspell in their everyday lives. I’m glad I know enough about it to enjoy it’s framework, and especially the beginning of a new cycle! Nick (explora) is a wonderful guy who knows a lot about Dreamspell and never hesitates to fill anyone in on the inner workings of it. I want to thank ya Nick for taking the time to share all this information with everyone! I guess I’m starting to be a little like you! While I was at New Orleans, an Asian couple asked me about the Dreamspell program I was working out on paper, and I explained to them the very basics of it :smile: but I did give them a list of websites they could go to to learn more…

I guess once people start integrating this into their everyday lives, they will start harmonizing into the patterns and their mind will be harmonized and organized once again! This is my goal… share Dreamspell with as many people as possible :smile:

I started getting into it on the day out of time last year, I’m still learning :smile: One way for me to tune in more into it was by designing my own kin images. That has helped me connect to the energies of each kin. I know them now also by head (finally) - almost the right order too :wink:

By saving them all 260 one by one, in the right order, that also was a very nice experience - it was like i was travelling a whole spin of the dreamspell in a very short time. It gave me feeling for the rythm of all of it :smile: