So I’ve been becoming lucid almost every day now for the last week using the WBTB method. Progress that astounds me but the one problem is they last, on average, 10 seconds.
I see something interesting, focus on it, then exclaim, “I’m dreaming!” The second I utter those two words everything fades to black. Only once did I realize I was indeed dreaming without immediately losing lucidity. Though, for some odd reason, I thought I wouldn’t reach complete lucidity until “I’m dreaming”. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before shouting. And then of course end scene.
I have tried spinning, grabbing hold of things, shouting lucidity now or clarity now. At this point I think I’m expecting the dream to fade. I think I know how to overcome that conditioning. If I could get some advice on what to do in the dream would be wonderful.
I’ve got that problem too, and there’s some way to solve them easy: you have to know that sight is not at all the only sense in dreams, and you can use any of the others to keep you inside, from keeping listening to the people that were around you in the dream, to rubbing a surface fot the whole time, to trying to smell something. After a while, you spontaneously visualize a new scene and you’re done 
Also, if you think you are conditioned by now, try imagining yourself having a LD right now (either with closed or open eyes, what fits you best), and see yourself progress past that point, to have a wonderful LD ^^ It should condition you torwards self-confidence in the same way.
Good luck on your quest.
yeah, same problem here
It seems to me if I even start to think that the dream might end or that the dream is pretty stable or long until that moment, everything fades… I think for me one thing that was a problem was the sense of urgency. I got used to have short LD’s so I’d do things very quick, thinking it might end at any time. I think that sense of urgency helped create stress and wake me up… I’ve found that a clear calm mind helps a lot. I’ve been meditating which helps me keep the mind still. This way I’m more focused on the dream and on what I’m doing in it, it also helps me avoid thinking that it will end any minute…
Best of luck… to all of us!
(we’ll get there someday, I’m sure)