Hey there guys. my name is Nic and i have been into lucid dreaming for about 2 years now but i have some problems… OK when i first got into it I read all i could find and practiced a lot and I started having lucid dreams. about 2 or 3 a week. but that slowly started to fade due to lack of trying and reading.
Now i want to start again. But I have a problem… I can’t hardly remeber any of my dreams now. what do you guys think I should do? Would intense reading and studying of lucid dreaming boost my mind back to where it was before i left off? Should i start meditation again? Thank you for any answers guys. The reason i stopped trying as much was because I would become lucid but I would not be able to control my dreams as well as i wanted. i would just be concious but i could not really control it. but i think that was because of lack of practice and study.
-Peace, Love and Light.
You say you can hardly remember any dreams. So you’ll want to work on your dream recall. Start keeping an in-detail dream journal that you write in every day. You’ve been into LDing for two years, so you know the drill. Do MILD, WBTB, WILD etc. on a regular basis.
At the moment I am trying to make my LDing practice into a routine, meaning I’ll have a coherent schedule of techniques and chores that I go through every day. The most important thing when learning to lucid dream is, in my opinion, that you stick with it and keep practicing regularly. This also goes for dream recall; if you stop working on your recall, it is very likely to just drop back down again.
It would probably help some simply by letting your subconscious pick up on it and such, but I think you should put more emphasis on the techniques themselves. When you think about it, theres not really that much to study on the topic of LDing once you know how to induce them. Of course, browsing the forum and reading about other people’s experiences is always a great source of inspiration. Good luck!
Hey thanks! I also noticed when i meditated on a daily basis that I was more content to remeber my dreams and sometimes it would even help induce lucid dreams later that night. Could you please tell me what WILD, MILD, and the other acronym you mentioned is? I am sure i have read about it before but just forgot. to answer my own question, is WILD a sort of dream incubation technique? thanks a million for the help!
-Peace, Love, and light
If you hover your mouse pointer over an abbrevation, you’ll get a small popup describing it.
MILD: Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream, it’s all about remembering to remember that you are dreaming.
WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream: Staying conscious while falling asleep, thus entering the dreamworld fully lucid.
WBTB: Wake Back To Bed: Just waking up, staying awake for awhile and going asleep again. It makes your mind more awake, increasing your chance to have LDs.
My usual suggestion for building recall is to wake yourself up a few times during the night, and have a pen ready to record what you can recall. Dream memories tend to fade very quickly, and if you sleep a full night before finally waking up and writing anything down, most of the memories from the earlier dreams will likely be difficult (or impossible) to retrieve. Just set an alarm for about 6 hours into the night, and write down a few key words from what you can remember. You only need to be awake for 30 seconds, so it isn’t exactly going to leave you un-rested. If an alarm isn’t convenient, drinking a glass or 2 of water before bed usually does the trick.
I understand this isn’t for everyone, but it’s really a great way to get the most out of each night. For me, it’s easy to notice the difference in recall between waking up every couple of hours, and sleeping through the entire morning.
Anyway, welcome to the forum. I hope you can get back into the swing of things before too long.
Well, Atheist and odd2k have pretty much answered all your questions. I completely agree with them both. The only thing I have to add is, don’t worry about your dream control. You will easily improve your dream control with some practice but, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now just focus an inducing LD’s again.
Yes. I think meditation is a big help with lucid dreaming especially with WILD. Strictly speaking meditation is not required to have lucid dreams however, I find it is a big help. That is just my opinion though.