Reliving famous events in lucid dreams?

Is this worth the effort. Anyone tried it?

i didn’t know i lived any of these events in the first place. j/k

i haven’t had an outstanding enough ld to really try this but it sounds pretty cool. im thinking right now of times i would’ve like to experience…hmmm, maybe watching the army storm hitlers bunker and watch him commit suicide or maybe when albert einstein got the idea of relativity, go back to certain biblical events to see what was goin on there (im aware that what i see will be in my own head). hey you just inspired me.

It might be fun to go in a huge battle, any big one would be pretty cool…

If you try something really big and complex, the result will be loss of lucidity.
But for example catching the killer of JFK would be quite simple, and for example being the first man (or woman) on the moon can be easily arranged.
I can see it: Armstrong is going down the ladders (slowly), and then, from nowhere comes out hero touching the surface of the moon before Neil yelling, "I’m the First one, I’m the First one!!!'…
“Houston, we have a BIG problem here…” :smile:

“Houston we have a problem here”
“CUT!!! Who let him on the set? Agh, the lighting wasnt right anyway”


Sorry, I dont want to bring the conspiracy theorists out of the shadows…

Hehe nice one :smile:

I got my mate to try lucid dreaming.

He said that he couldnt control it but…

He was in the scene from saving private ryan (the beach scene)

And he felt like it was real and they were all out to kill him blah blah blah