I stumbled upon a wikipidia on LD recently. This led to a quick study and finding LD4all. I was invited to join Logitech, a video chat software, by a friend a couple days ago and have been using this as a reminder (I don’t know the technical terms, as of yet.) and as an igniter.
For two nights I had no success. This morning I was dreaming and was able to bring ‘Logitech’ to mind. I did this making ‘Logitech’ be simply a thought statement. I was dreaming of Kermit The Frog at the time. I noticed I was dreaming and quickly made the ‘Logitech’ thought statement. There was a kind of shutter in Kermit and I was LD. He communicated a pleasurable greeting. Then, invited other Muppets to warmly great me. Finally, all the Muppets. I was validated and lucid! It was great.
Allowing it to disperse I moved into another dream. I was in a bedroom that was mine and there was a mouse in the room. I initiated the thought statement, but was having difficulty maintaining lucidity. There was heavy emotion here. I even at one point popped up slapping the bed. (Thankfully, no one was in bed with me this morning.) I moved back into the dream, where I was able to dispell it and move into a lucid throwing scenario. I was throwing a stone with great adeptness.
I have never LDed before. LD4all proved to be a remarkable study. I am enthusiastic about learning and LDing more.