The only time i remember my dreams is if i go back to sleep in the morning or if i go to bed really early like at 8-9pm, then i might remember a dream right at the end of my sleep phase.
The problem is i have college really early in the mornings so i can’t go back to bed
and i really don’t like going to bed super early. So can anyone tell me how i can remember the first few dreams of the night.
I do it by autosuggestion. That is to say, I’ve basically programmed myself to wake up after every single dream in order to remember it. All you have to do to achieve that is basically tell yourself you want it to happen. Making a few mantras and mentally repeating them over and over for a few minutes before going to sleep works well for me.
Sometimes when I do wake up in the middle of the night I get lazy and just continue to sleep, but I do wake up a lot during the night. Mind you, these are minor awakenings that don’t last more than a minute tops and I fall right back asleep after jotting down some notes, so it’s not costing me much sleep at all.
If it helps, you can write those intentions down on a piece of paper before going to sleep as well. Writing is a VERY powerful tool. Do not underestimate it.
“I am able to remember all my dreams upon waking up.”
“I wake up from my dreams at night.”
Something like that. That’s the idea behind it. It usually takes me about 2 weeks to go from 0 dreams per night to 3-6.
man, i think i have good recall because for too long i havn’t been recording, but last night for ex. i remembered 3 dream segments plus a dream i had after waking up. visually they stay with me, and when i see it in mind i can feel the emotion at the time, and mental thoughts… rarely verbal though.
Hi Minato,
Improving recall is a tricky thing. Always use a dream journal.
Keep a notebook under your pillow, and when you wake up during the night, write down keywords about the dream you just had.
Also, recall increases when you have a good sleep rythm. Get enough sleep and don’t watch television or use electronics for at least 1 hour before sleeping. This will help you relax more, fall asleep easier and in my case, it boosts dream recall.
A very good way I know to boost dream recall is trying the same with your daily thoughts. Search the Dream Contro Training Course in my sig for “retracing your thoughts”, and look up the tech, it worked wonders for me and for a lot others
For me, actually writing in my dream journal helps a lot.
If for a few days, I’m too lazy to actually get up and write something when I wake up after a dream, I don’t really remember much when I wake up. After that it takes a few days to get to the point where I can remember.
I know this has been said to death on the forum , but write down anything you remember when you wake up; even if it’s just a fragment of a scene, a song lyric, an emotion, etc.
After some practice you should be able to do this for your first few dreams of the night as well as the later ones.
Two more things that might help…
Train/trust yourself to awaken (or use the sun) instead of an alarm clock…
When you awaken, lie completely still (you’ll be in a trance state and it’s much easier to recall 'em).