Remembering dream thoughts

Do you people think remembering what were you thinking in a dream means you’re closer to lucidity ?

I mean, yes, in the dream there is always some sort of “knowingness”, but in my case its knowingness without thoughts. Like i am looking at this man and i know who he is, or i know what is written in that magazine, and in dreams i can answer tough questions without giving them a thought.

I just remembered that in my today’s dream there were several very distinct thoughts. I did something bad, and was thinking that i shouldnt have done it, i regretted it deeply. It was for a second, but… i just dont remember anything like that happening to me before, there is always just action without any thinking.

I thought this is normal and everyone has this kind of “knowingness”. Isn’t it? :confused:

Yes, but in the dreams i am not thinking “Who could it be ?” or “Where did i see that face ?”. As in, i cant actually remember thinking process itself. Everything just happens.

Yeah, Actually the same thing happens for me. I never really think about what happens or what I’m doing. There’s always some clear purpose and I just “know” about everything in my dream. I guess that’s why it’s so hard for me to just randomly realize that it’s a dream.

I’ve never really noticed that before.

I do think in quite a few of my normal dreams … but being able to think also means you can think about reasons why things are weird too and so think yourself out of a LD :tongue:

[color=darkblue]Yes. It’s a weird thing. My logic is skewed when I’m dreaming. Even when I LD it often seems like only a part of my brain is active because I’ll wake up and think- why the hell did I do that!?

I have found justification for the strangest things in dreams and as you say “thought myself out of LD”. So frustrating when you wake up and think what a great DS it was![/color]

In every one of my dreams I do “think” I just dont think logically. But I do think, I remember alot of thoughts I have in my dreams, but thats just me I guess :meh:

I’m not sure if it means you’re getting closer to lucidity, although it could to you personally. As for me, I tend to have very distinct thoughts even in NDs, including distinct confusion that really should lead me to lucidity, but for some reason it doesn’t. :grrr: I wouldn’t say that I really ‘justify’ things that are completely illogical, I just sort of give up because I decide I have more important things to do.

I think there is a sharpening of the mind in pre-lucid state.

Often when I start to analyze and question why is when I become lucid.

In NDs there is a kind of drifting awareness, oh there’s my elephant, his name is Frank. But no critical thinking.

I know that when I have a LD with DILD, it is because I notice things that in a ND I usaly just accept. So I think that it is more of a question of movement in your ND’s. If you start to notice things that you never noticed befor, that would be a good sign. It means that you are moving in the right direction. Any type of improvement in your awarness brings you closer to an LD.