remembering dreams

do most people have to practice remembering there dreams? ive been remembering them all my life before i knew anything about this stuff.

so how well do you remember your dreams? do you remember 10 plus per night?
everyone can improve their recall.

I think the most used instruction book in lucid dreaming, EWLD, states one dream a night as minimum recall before you should try lucid dreaming, if i remember correctly. I have always remembered one or a few dreams every night, but have written them down the last few years. It keeps the dreams so much better for the future (i enjoy to re-read and see patterns in the dream themes), plus you get yo keep all those small dream fragments, which will usually improve the recall. :cool:

I haven’t always remembered dreams every night. I went through phases of good memory and bad memory. But soon after I started writing them down I began to remember three or four a night. I suspect I could have remembered this many all my life if I had just paid more attention to them.

I had a very good DR and remembered entire dreams and still remember dreams I havent typed in my DJ yet (Im not sure if Im gonna post them at all :tongue: )
But my DR has decreased and it goes in periods, in general my DR is working better in the “bad” periods :cool_raz: