Hey everyone. I’m kinda new here, just created an account.
I’m on the part where I try to remember my dreams right now. I’m using the method where when I’m in bed ready to sleep I whisper to myself that tonight I will dream and when I wake up I will remember it. It’s going pretty good so far actually. I’ve only done it twice since it was about 2 days ago I started trying and both nights I’ve remembered kinda big parts of 2 dreams and just some pictures and emotions of a third.
I’m spending alot of time reading about other people’s experiences and different techniques. But there is one thing on my mind and I can’t find answers anywhere. When you can remember atleast one dream each night you are ready to LD. But am I supposed to continue with the ‘remembering dreams’ technique for a while and then just stop to see if I still am remembering my dreams? I mean, for now I think the only reason I’m remembering them is because of the method. Am I supposed to continue with it until I can remember my dreams naturally?
I’d love some help and hear about other people’s experiences.