Hi, not posted in a while, and now I do it’s to ask another question of you.
Last night I had a dream similar to one I had a few weeks ago, where I realised something might be wrong, and proceeded to try some Reality Checks. The first time it happened, I could only remember the one about sticking your hand through the wall, and when I failed I lost the pre-lucidity. Last night I tried the lightswitch one as well, but I only remembered because I saw the lightswitch right next to my hand which would not go through the wall.
Now that I’m awake I can remember a whole host of others, but my problem seems to be remembering them when they’re most needed! My question is, can any of you reccommend methods of remembering RC’s while dreaming?
Oh, a small sidenote: When I tried the lightswitches (I tried 2), the first one turned the light on but the light was very pale, however I wasn’t botherted by this, I just accepted it as working. The second switch was already on, and when I flicked it, it turned the light off, and I could turn that one back on to its full brightness.
True, but I would recomend changing your RC to the “read something, look away, then read it again” technique.
The reason is, as far as I know, this technique is absolutely garanteed to work. The reason is, again as far as I know, words and numbers will not stand still and if you do this technique, what you read will always be different and may even float off the page. However, RC’s like sticking your hand through a wall or your hand, while useful and easier, don’t always work and can lead you to beleive that you’re awake when you’re not.
Combine that RC with MILD and WBTB and you should see amazing results.
Remembering is a big trouble in LD’s. And when you just wonder whether it’s a dream or not, you can’t use lucidity enhancement techniques. So I agree with TANK Ex Mortis, you should practice some RC’s during days, so that you’ll have more chances to remind them in dreams.
Also trust your gut instinct. If you believe something is wrong, keep with that thought. This means have back up RCs and back ups to the back-ups.
Makes sure you have two or three RCs of a different nature. For example, my main RC is sticking my finger through my opposite palm. In my last LD, that didn’t work, so I tried jumping in the air in an attempt to fly and bam it worked.
Also lastly and most importantly - expect your reality checks to not work - you know…expect the characters to change when you look back at them, expect to be able to breathe when you plug your nose e.t.c.
Get in a habit of doing RCs, this is what i do, when i look at a clock i always look at it twice to check if if dreaming. When this becomes a habit you automaticly do it in a dream when you see a clock. Works for me
The key to remembering Rc’s in dreams is…Remembering Rc’s when you’re awake.
–Search on the net, try to find a program to remind to every 10 minutes. Then you’re safe at the computer part
–Write “RC” on your hand. Rewrite it EVERY day, so it doesn’t disappear someday.
–Keep a note in your pocket with a word on it. It’d be best to have a simple word, a word you can REMEMBER. You can write “Duck”, check the note as often as possible.
–You can train yourself up to doing Rc’s when seeing things that’s usually a part of your dreams (At work, in school, at home etc…).
That’s some of the best methods. For good Rc’s: Try to look at your nose with one eye closed. Good luck!
The nose thing never works for me, but I do it as part of my “run”. I do several in a row, and usually they’re the same ones. First the close one eye and look at your nose, then try to breathe while holding it, then look at a clock and see if it’s 9:45, then try to poke my finger through my palm.
Getting a note and looking at it whenever possible might be a good idea. I would even write ‘DREAM’ or ‘IT IS A DREAM’ so that it would give me even more consciousness during lucid dreams.
The thing is: it can be stupid - looking at your note while in public…
Ye, it’S not only RCs but that u associate RCs or state tests with the intention to KNOW that this is a dream. Cause if you only perform an RC and dont really expect being dreaming, its waste of time
I never thought of using a note to remind you of a RC. Nice 1. I am going to do that with a paper saying RC in big letters. You helped me because i always forget to do RCs through out the day to make it habit forming. I only do RCs about 4 times a day i should do it around 50(thats what ive heard).
RCs aren’t my main way of getting lucid, for some reason I just tend to notice I’m dreaming once in a while, just because the dream feels different. However, when I get in one of my RC moods when I at least attempt to do RCs often, I write it on everything. The thing I usually write is “This is a dream” or “You are dreaming.” I write it on my hand usually. I used to have notes stuck on my mirror and near my bed in case of false awakenings. Right now that’s my screensaver. For me it isn’t really about remembering to do the RCs, because I doubt I’ll ever see a sign in a dream that says that I’m dreaming. It’s more about convincing myself that maybe I really am dreaming, and that I should check just in case. I’ve thought lately about getting in the habit of writing down any time I see a piece of paper, just to get it in my head. Of course, it would also have the added bonus of confusing my teachers every time I accidentally write it on something I need to turn in.
Thanks for all the replies, they have been very helpful.
I decided that, seeing as both recent pre-lucid dreams have been triggered by me seeing myself in the mirror, I will do several RC’s while awake, each time I see myself in the mirror.
bzteam, while usually I do trust my gut feelings, it is as I’m sure you know, very different in a dream - almost as if your short term memories are not being held at all!
Looking forward to my lucid dream adventures!