Old title “ummmmmmm…” - Please use descriptive titles
I remember reading somewhere that its impossible to remember something you’ve read in a dream. Last night however, I did. I still remember what I read too. It was a book on fashion, and The page I read was a contents page. The header said “focus”, and it had a list of names of super models. I remember a few of those names. I wasn’t lucid in the dream.
At first I thought that it must convey a strong message, but what the hell for?
I have no idea on why I remember it, or how for that matter, but I did. I’m gonna try and read it again tonight.
I don’t think it is impossible,i also sometimes read things and remembered them.The only problem is reading itself,cause usually the text changes all the time while you read it.Dreams are always in motion,no fixed things…
Yes it’s possible. I’ve read quite a lot in my dreams and the letters are always steady and clear and I also remember some of the sentences after I wake up.
It’s quite annoying as I can’t use reading (text, digital clocks, whatever) for reality checks.
I also remember words and sentences I read in my dreams.
Sometimes I remember the letters of the words, but sometimes I only remember the content of a word and not the word itself.
For some people changing text can be a dreamsign, but not for me. Maybe I don’t really read in my dreams, but only think that I am… and maybe for that same reason the text in my dreams seems to be stable, because the content is stable.
However, this is not always true for me. In the following fragment it is the words/letters that count and not the content:
Aan het begin van het pad hangt een waarschuwingsbord. Er staat: ‘VLIEGEN IS LEVENSGEVAARLIJK’ of ‘DE VLIEGEN ZIJN LEVENSGEVAARLIJK’. Wat er precies staat kan ik niet lezen, want daar heb ik de tijd niet voor. De gevaarlijke koeien kunnen nu ieder moment hier zijn.
Hmmm, a little hard to translate , but it means something like: At the beginning of the path is a warning-sign. It says: ‘TO FLY IS VERY DANGEROUS’ or ‘THE FLIES ARE VERY DANGEROUS’. I have no time to read the exact words, because I have to move on in a hurry. The evil cows can be here any minute now…
Haha. Well when I look at my digital watch in my dreams, the digits are always clear and logical the first time, but the second time I look at the digits, they become unclear and hard to read, of some reason. I seem to be of the lucky ones who can use reading as a reality test
Text is always very coherent in my dreams. It kind of annoys me because that would be a really good RC… I’ve had a non-lucid dream where I had an AIM conversation with James Brown. Actually, on second thought have text capability is kind of cool, though it doesn’t help getting an LD.
I had to wake myself up from a LD once, to rememember a guy’s phone number. The number didn’t belong to anybody IRL, and I got a nightmare when I fell asleep afterwards.