

I just read trough some old topics on LD4all that ment a lot to me back then, and just realized:

I don’t remember much from stuff that happened 3 years ago! I mean, I know a lot off people in my class better than I know the guy that is “Petter 3 years ago”. I should’ve kept a diary :sad: Should I start writing one?

Make this forum your diary, Petter. :smile: It’ll be good to see you posting more often again. In all seriousness, though, making a diary is always fun. I used to have a diary, but in comics (or doodles, at any rate), because at some point in my life I decided I needed less words and more of whatever else. :tongue:

what do you want to experience ?
diaries are excellent tools to anchor you to the time when they written

i got one in second grade, had a kitti on it, had a small lock

i didn’t write in it much but what i wrote was “Chelsea (Star) is weird!” (she was a goofy sweet little girl!)
and then I wrote about how I used my mind to win a race! Omygoodness if I had written diary entries as a 2nd grader, to see them now… ohmygoodness :smile:
i remember what is in the diary having never read it since then essentially lol