What dreamsigns do you have that seem to be there all the time but never makes you realize you’re in a dream?
In my dreams, I often get the feeling of having an underbite (right word?). It feels like there’s pressure on my teeth, almost like that feeling you get five minutes after getting a punch on your mouth. It happens all the time but I never realize in the dream that it’s a dreamsign.
Hi Stockholm,
Do you practice any technique to actually recognise your dreamsigns, or do you just hope to recognise them?
I must admit that I always dream of my cousin (and her family) for some odd reason, and several times a week I dream of performing Aikido (martial arts) though neither of these dream signs have yet made me lucid.
Funny how the silliest things can help us to become lucid (like the pattern in the footpath), but the most ingrained and repetative dream signs often escape us.
I supposed school related dreams. I have a fair few, although I wouldn’t say that often. I rarely realise I am dreaming with them, since I’m nearly 26 you’d think it’d be a big hint
I’m at school and I have dreams of school (WHY, GOD, WHY?!!) but I never realise. But now I do reality checks at school, well questioning relaity and testing to see if I can make stuff materialise. So that should help me get lucid.
recurrent DS I keep missing would be :
-seeing my brother (he is actually 4100 km away ).
-my guitar, which is never how it is IRL (in dreams,
always different shape and color)
-very large spider (much bigger than IRL). There is a lot
of normal one in my basement…
The “worst” DS I missed was the message “TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!” on a big TV screen (I was expecting LD a lot that night)
The one and only time I did a RC in a dream, was 1.5 month ago. At that time, there was always “road panel” or “direction panel” in my dream (for the first 4 entries in my Dream Journal). Anyway, for some reason, I did a RC when I saw a large road panel. I looked at my watch (I don’t wear one IRL…) and the minutes were changing very quickly…I got lucid immediatly! First and only LD I had…