Repeated dreams about the same person

I haven’t thought of that! :smile: Today I saw him IRL. I don’t want to see him again tonight.

you know theres a guy in my dream constantly coming. Its weird…in the dream we’re like in love. ah…I think I shouldnt read so many fairy tales when I go to sleep…

When you go to sleep tonight firmly tell yourself that when you see this person you will know that you are dreaming. Hopefully, you will become lucid and then you can deal with the intruding DC. :devil:

Good luck

Lol i don’t think it has anything to do with love. 1 or 2 of my girlfriends that i don’t kick it with ne more are frequently hanging around in my dreams. i read somewhere that all your dream characters are aspects of your personailty. for me, the main friend in my dream represented my ego cuz in real life i used to think she was cool cuz she had that confidence(sometimes arrogance), had boys chasing her and seemed to always get her way and whatever she wanted, and somewhere on the surface, i wanted to be like her. that’s what i think haha so see what a football player would mean or represent to you. i guess? :tongue: