Repeatedly falling back asleep into same LD

I have this thing where when I am having strong LDs I usually wake up in RL and don’t move and go right back to sleep, shutting my eyes, and I am in the exact same place i was in before I woke up. This happened to me in a morning nap this morning about 6-8 times, as I was falling back asleep I heard a ringing noise and felt tingling all over my body. Just thought it was weird I kept ending back i nthe same mall. Also, something weird happened in this LD, to try and keep myself in the LD I tried 2 things, first I rubbed my hands together and sstared at them, this did not work and I ended up waking up in RL rubbing my hands… very strange, then I woke up again the the same place, did a few things, and started to loose lucidity so I started screaming “INCREASE LUCIDIDITY” louder and louder, and then every DC in the mall turned around and started screaming it with me… it was a little eerie, but it worked, had my longest LD ever! :smile:

i do that too

i think those are waking induced lucid dreams WILD s…

but i’m so lazy that i always just ask whoever i was nearest to to pull me out of my body… let them do most of the work…

it’s great.

unless i’m tried and unfocused… usually it’ll work with me being with a friend… and i’ll have a brief knowledge that i’m waking up and tell him that i’m waking up

so then when i wake up… i don’t move a muscle… and i say “hey, pull me out of my body” and i imagine him grabbing my hand… and I feel energy there… and then I imagine myself wrapping my hand around that energy… and so then it gets stronger… and either at that point my hand is my dream hand and i can pull on him back into the dream… or I still have mixed feelings halfway between dream and awake so i just keep saying “that’s it, pull harder, keep pulling, you’re doing it right, just keep pulling as hard as you can” and eventually I plop back into the dream world.

it isn’t as fun as like… somehow doing some sort of panaoramic matrix like re-entry, but it works 95% of the time so I’m happy with that…

what I’m not happy with is my LD’s ending 3,4, 5+ times in a row and having to do that over and over again…

last night i said “i’m going into a deep sleep” and did some deep breathing a bit… it seemed to work as the dream lasted a good 20 minutes or more… but maybe i was just in the beginning of a long cycle or something.

part of the problem is when I LD it’s at the very end of a sleep cycle since I usually don’t get lucid until I’m close to being awake.

If I were you, I would do a reality check when ever you get out of bed and wake up. Because yeserday, I was trying to do a WILD, and I gave up because I was sick and tired and there was lots of ambient noise distracting me. So, I just fell asleep, then I woke up and before I tried to go tosleep again I checked my watch… and I was dreaming.

This way your false awakenings are good, not bad.

Also, I was wondering the same thing? why do I have to hang out in my house… lets go somewhere else!

So, if every time I have a false awakening… I will be in my room. And there is no body to talk to in my room… thats boring.

So, here are the things I would do next time:

  1. Summon dream characters into my room: I should work on conjuring up an uzi first…
  2. Walk through a wall: Where would I end up?
  3. Jump into my mirror: What dimension would I end up in?
  4. Smash my mirror (its nor real… so theres no bad luck): What is behind the mirror?
  5. Flush myself down the toilet: Where oh where will I go?
  6. Jump into my computer, monitor, or TV: Will I be on TV… lol!.. I wanna be inside a computer game…
  7. Fly directly upwards and go find some aliens on Mars.
  8. Visit the center of the earth to find the mole people.
  9. Go fly somewhere else out of the building, first find a window to see whats outside, or find the exit, or just exit through a wall.
  10. Rewind time in your dream to redo something: Ive done this before… wow!
  11. Fly into one of your pictures.
  12. Think of another place, and will yourself to teleport there.
  13. Conjure up a space ship, car, motorcycle, horse, jet pack, teleporter, or other transportation device and just see where you can go.

The main question is… in what place would you like to dream about?

Heres an Idea for a FA RC that I think will work well. Haven’t had the chance to try it yet. Put a pharase in large letters on your ceiling or wherever you usually are looking when you open your eyes, dont move, close them again, now open them and if the letters are still the same then you are probably not dreaming. This is a good way to prevent having to do complicated RC’s by getting out of bed because if you arent really dreaming you would through your chance of a WILD out the window.

I had to laugh when I pictured a mall full of people shouting “increase lucidity!” in unison…

Of the ideas you mentioned, I recommend walking through walls, it’s what I do. There are two things that can happen when you walk through a wall. First, you might end up in complete darkness, and as you continue walking in what seems like empty space, a brand new setting will materialize around you. If you think about a certain place while you’re in the void, you might end up going to that place.

The other thing that can happen is you end up outside of your house. This is more likely if your room was well-lit when you walked through the wall, or if you were near a window when you walked through the wall.

Um, can we move these great contributions to the BIG topic about LD FUN? Getting off-topic here…

It sounds like you were using the method of falling backwards into your dream.(which can be a lot like WILD) This happens to me a lot. Definitely do a RC when you wake from a dream in the night. Some of these may be FA.

Monk, about the rubbing of your hands in your dream and then doing it in RL… i think this happened to you because your body was about to wake up and your muscles were out of sleep paralysis.

When you do anything to increase lucidity really believe that it is going to work I found that helps a lot. Like when you were shouting louder and louder your dream responded. I guess your dream knew you met business. :smile:

I did not think they were all that far OT. :wink: