Repeating person...need advise

I have started having dreams about a certain person. Usually I never dream about a certain person more than once or twice. I have had dreams about this person about every night this week. One dream he was protecting me from a bad person. In another dream I was jelouse of his girlfriend who happened to be married to someone I knew so I told on them. I can’t remember the other dreams. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks. By the way this is my first post and I must say I love this forum=)

Use this person as a dreamsign, to help you become lucid.

How do you mean ‘advice’? You haven’t said what you wanted to do yet :content:

Josh has a good point. Reoccurring events can be very useful for becoming lucid. Maybe after becoming lucid you could clarify this apparent infactuation and ask him why he seems to be stalking you? :wink:

The previous two posts summarized it. :smile: